
I'm wanting a week intensive driving course-can anyone reccomend one/?

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I'm wanting a week intensive driving course-can anyone reccomend one/?




  1. I hope you realize it is impossible to learn to be a GOOD driver in one week.  It is only possible to learn to be a barely competent vehicle operator.  You will be more likely to live past the first year without a major accident if you take a more prolonged course rather than a "crash" course, which really only teaches you how to pass the basic driver test.  Take it from me, I have taught people how to drive properly, in all conditions, and nobody of any age, male or female, was really ready in less than a month of regular driving.  I taught standard transmission, automatic transmission, highway, city, back lanes, bridges, narrow roads, freeways, daytime, night driving, hills, passing, parking (parallel both sides, plus parking lots), clear roads, rush-hour traffic, good weather, rain, even winter driving.  That cannot be done in one week, it is just plain impossible.

    Mind you, if all you want is to get your licence, and you aren't going to be driving on the same roads as me.............

  2. Check out LDC -

    They specialise in intensive courses and that is where I did my lessons. They give you a book and a DVD so that you do all your learning in your own time at home and then actually put it to practice out on the road which means more drive time!

  3. The AA can organise this kind of course (called an intensive training course). So can the BSM (British School of Motoring) If you are in the London are in particular W3/W5/W7 and W13 Impact School of motoring can also arrange these intensive courses. You will also be able to sit your tests at the end of the course. Before you take an intensive course, why not take a trial lesson to see if you will be suitable for such intensive courses. You will get a full hour and a good assessment.

    What you want is a driving school that gives you quality lessons not those that go for quantity.

    P.S. I passed my test after a mini intensive course with no minor faults at all. I hope this gives you encouragement to take your course

  4. Hi - I went with Emerald in Kent (Herne Bay) they were EXCELLENT and prices very reasonable.

    Good luck!


    Schools like these are every where - all over USA.

    Good Luck...

  6. The problems with this type of course is;

    1) You won't be able to sit a test after the week is up, it could take up to 6 -10 weeks for a date

    2) Assuming that you are a beginner, never driven, then what are you going to be taught in day 1.  Moving off / stopping. That is it, You will be taught to move off, then stop, move off then stop, move off, stop.  

    3) Day 2 will be moving off, stop, moving off, stop, moving off then turn left and stop, moving off, turn left , stop, moving off, turn left, stop.

    4) Day 3, moving off, turn left,stop, moving off, turn left approach junctions, stop.

    5) Day 4, If your clutch control is ok then you might do a turn in the road, move off, left turn, approach junctions, stop, turn in the road,

    6) Day 5, move off, turn in the road, approach junctions, turn left, TURN right...

    7) Day 6, you have the basics, do all in that day

    8 Day 7, doing the basics, probably emergency stop, and start left reverse round corner, practice..... then a tearful goodbye to your instructor, who will probably try and sell you another week of lessons for another £800.  The first £800 went of fuel and his new conservatory, this next £800 will finish the conservatory but his wife might want a new LCD tv..

    After that week are you going to sit a test, are you ready for a test, have you sat your theory test, the answer will probably be NO to all of them.  ASK YOURSELF AFTER THAT 7DAY COURSE" WHAT HAVE I LEARNED". "COULD I DRIVE ON MY OWN".

    I teach all my pupils to think for themselves after a few months. I will ask them to take the next road on the right ( knowing that there is no entry sign facing them , and watch them taking it)  You must be able to think for yourself when you are a driver.  After one week, you are just able to move a car off by yourself. That is it.  

    I had a pupil who failed her test after buying for a crash course.  She did her course in the first week of the school holidays, then waited for her test ( 3months to wait) by that time she had forgotten most of what was taught, not enough money to get refresher lessons, she sat her test and the examiner pulled her over after 5 minutes and she was made to walk back to test centre.  

    I took her on and she did pass with me, but only after 3 months of lessons.  

    To summarise, I would not recommend  this type of learning. And if you were my child you would be doing the driving properly.

    Good Luck

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