
I'm wanting to get my 7 month old daughter into modeling and have no idea how to get started. In Charlotte, NC

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My daughter is 7 months old. She smiles soo much, and hardly ever cries. I want to get her into modeling, but I have no idea where to start. I'm in Charlotte, NC. I really think she can do this!




  1. I have had many people suggest I do this and I refuse. My daughter will not spend her babyhood or childhood sweating under hot set lights while the cameraman tries to get "just the right shot", instead she'll spend it in the park, or at her swimming class or at mommy and me groups. I think most parents who do this are doing it for them. So they can say "my baby is a model" It's the kids that pay the price for mommy being an attention seeker. Don't do it. Your kid deserves to be a kid.  

  2. Submit some pictures to an agency.  That is all you need for a baby.  2 of mine (boy & girl) modeled when they were babies and my daughter even won "The Cutest Baby"contest in my state!  Now, my youngest is acting.  Baby modeling is pretty benign and fun when then are older and you show them the picture.

  3. remember Jo Bennett ramsey,exposing these young kids to such things brings out the perverts,kids should be allowed to be kids and at seven months you are not even allowing this child to choose a life of her own, sorry i think this is wrong and treating your child like a meat market,by exposing her like this is wrong

  4. I think that you don't need to do that just let her be a baby and enjoy her life.

  5. I think it is sick.... honestly.  Just let your baby be a baby.  who wants to model...... her.... or do you just want the glory to say "MY BABY MODELS."  Concentrate on giving her a happy normal baby life instead of parading her around because of her looks.  She's a baby.... not a doll.  

  6. She is 7 months old...why not get her into a mommy and me class?  Seriously, I don't know how you would get involved with something like that, but as a mother I will tell you that in my personal opinion...society already focuses so much on looks, why have your daughter start to buy into that so early?  

  7. What's in it for her?  Count the amount of times you use the word "my" I'm" and "I" ... you'll see who this is really for.

  8. if you really want to get your daughter in to modeling try going to and see if this agency is in your area. it should be, it is a very good successful modeling and acting agency. Just fill out a contact us form after you look around the site. but also serioulsy consider this. Do you want ur daughter to be a model or you? You could just have a family picture taken and couple of pic of your daughter alone and save it that always work.

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