
I'm wanting to through a dinner party problem is I have 50 people max I can accommodate. Is is rude to invite

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I'm wanting to through a dinner party problem is. I have 50 people max I can accommodate. Is it rude to invite people and not let them bring a guest?They all know one another. Oh and it's pretty much a 60 and older crowd.




  1. It's not rude. Many invitations now tell the invitees how many places are reserved for them.

    For example:

    Two (2) places are reserved for you. [If they are a couple.]

    One (1) place is reserved for you. [If he or she is alone.]

  2. I don't think that is rude at all.   Do you realize how much work is going to go into cooking for 50 people??  

    Are you planning on catering this or cooking yourself?

    If you are doing the cooking, I give you a lot of credit for taking on such a hefty task.  

    Don't forget to enjoy yourself.... the point of the party is for everyone to have fun. Including yourself! :)

  3. How much fun this will be.  You should not worry at all about  not letting them bring a guest.  They are your friends, and will understand.   As you stated "They all know one another."  

    I agree with mollosau' suggestions.  I would like to add one.  Since these people know one another make Place-cards with each person's name on them, and thoughtfully seat who will suit the other next to each other and place them on your tables.  (How's that for a run-on sentence?)  That will add some fun for your guests to see who they will be sitting next to as they mingle around before dinner.

    A toast to you, your friends and a wonderful dinner party!

  4. It isn't rude! Youre bringing these people into your home and feeding them. I would write on the invitation.

    I have reserved a special seat for you at my dinner party.

    I hope you can come




    We will be eating.............

  5. Not at all ...  I assume you'd be inviting COUPLES as couples, and the singles would only be bringing a date... so, go ahead and nix the dates!  (Just make sure no one has gotten engaged, or living together, that you didn't know about).....  Have fun!   .....  Besides, that sounds like a good opportunity for singles to meet one another!

  6. with that many ppl, you should rent a catering hall or other large facility

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