
I'm was born here in the US but I'm planning on going out of the country for med school...?

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I'm planning on going to India for med school. Is there like a limit that I can be out of the country? Med School there is 4.5 years. And I would basically be coming back every 11 months for the next 4.5 years.

Like when you're a US citizen isn't there a limit that you can stay out of the country...I thought it was 6 months or so.

Who do I tell that I'm going to be studying abroad?




  1. Good question, and normally, yes there is a requirement...although if you spent the next ten years wandering around the globe and returned to the US after, you'd still be a US citizen.

    In any case, try contacting Imigration and Naturalisation or US Customs and asking either of them...they should at least know the correct department to put you in touch with.

    Please note that there are almost more Indian MD driving cabs than practicing medicine in Canada or the US. As a foriegn trained physician, should you want to practice in Canada or the US, you would have to take some equivalency exams and undergo residency again. Talk to someone in the AMA to see which countries have the least problems with doctors trained in their system entering practice here in North America. (And...if you're dead set on India, ask what the work load would be like for you to be licensed with an Indian MD.)

    Good Luck!

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