
I'm wasting my points for the good of the people again!!!!! DN and Bleach RAQ?

by  |  earlier

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I like wasting my points for the peoples... ^_^

Okie dokie!! First, Death Note questions (you don't really need to watch DN to answer these, so HA!!)

DNQ1~ L is coming to steal your candy!!!!! RUM AWAY!!!!! (yes i know it says rum...) Will you drink the rum???

DNQ2~ Kira and Mikami are attacking the Hershey factory!!!!! Whats gonna happen when all the chocolate is gone in the world?????


Next Bleach questions!!!!

BQ1~ OMG AIZEN!!!!!!! ...does he even have a fangirl?? seriously...

BQ2~ Ichigo... part human, part soul reaper, part something, and part.... WAFFLE TACO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *gasp* Are you amazed by Mr. Ichi's powers?????

....... Need to think of another question!!!!!! ........

PENCILS!!!!!!!!! How many do you own?

0-2... you really hate writing

3-9... normal person

10-15... you break the tips too much

15-20... artist person thingy

20-bazillion... OMG!!!! ...wierdo...

Bazillion-Infinity and beyond... ~no comment~


BYE BYES!!!!! *hugs*




  1. *gasp* bad L how dare you steal MY candy?! lol jk. you can have somes *hands over some candy*. DUH! whats better than rum? *why is the rum gone?* <- Pirates of the Caribbean

    NOOOOOO!!!!! what ever will i do without my chocolate? *anguished wail* i miss you hersheys company!

    yepyep mez! well sorta. hes kinda cute though isnt he? O_o

    part taco? now i get it!!! THATS why hes sooo yummy! ^-^

    uhh dont. pens mostly. got an answer for thatz?

    okeydokey bye byes *hugs back*

  2. DNQ1~ L is coming to steal your candy!!!!! RUM AWAY!!!!! (yes i know it says rum...) Will you drink the rum???

    Ehh Yes I will drink the rum. *takes rum and yells RUMS AWAY*

    DNQ2~ Kira and Mikami are attacking the Hershey factory!!!!! Whats gonna happen when all the chocolate is gone in the world?????


    I would dump them in a pool of chocolate and let them taste how good it is and then they will stop.

    Next Bleach questions!!!!

    BQ1~ OMG AIZEN!!!!!!! ...does he even have a fangirl?? seriously...

    Umm. No everyone hates Aizen cause he is a lowlife.

    BQ2~ Ichigo... part human, part soul reaper, part something, and part.... WAFFLE TACO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... *gasp* Are you amazed by Mr. Ichi's powers?????

    Yes I am very amazed acually in shock. :O. I just started reading Bleach Manga and he he not so strong so far but I know he will become stronger.

    ....... Need to think of another question!!!!!! ........

    PENCILS!!!!!!!!! How many do you own?

    0-2... you really hate writing

    3-9... normal person

    10-15... you break the tips too much<<<<Stupid tips stop breaking (I like dark writing)

    15-20... artist person thingy

    20-bazillion... OMG!!!! ...wierdo...

    Bazillion-Infinity and beyond... ~no comment~

    I know stupid meanies.

  3. No. Just, no.

  4. no i wont because if i do i will be too drunk to get my candy back, and I WANT MY CANDY!!!

    i will kill them! a world with out chocolate?????


    that is just unthinkable...IM GONNA GET THOSE TWO

    *runs after the two of them with a chainsaw*

    i dont know..if he did....WOW

    yes....a waffletaco??? i had no idea

    15-20...ALL HELLO KITTY!!!!

  5. Hershey's aren't as good as cadbury

  6. DN 1. One shot to the head.

    2.  I'll fight to the death to defend it.

    BQ1.  Let's see... a pyschopathic man that wants to rule the world.  Yeah, look at Light.

    BQ2.  Nope.


  7. Bliss! Glad your back! Sorry your computer is so lame! Mine shuts down on me all the time so dont feel bad! Anyways...

    DNQ1. No I will not drink the rum for I am underage lol and if I did them how would I be able to make sure L doesnt steal my beloved candy!

    DNQ2. Well they wouldnt have a chance to do that before I KILL them unexpectedly while they are sleeping! BWHAHAHA! But seriously if all the chocolate of hersheys was gone in the world there would be some definate protesting!

    BQ1. Some person is proably a fangirl of Aizen, though its definetley not me because he is a psychopath!

    BQ2. I am very amazed by Mr. Ichi's powers! Go WAFFLE TACO powers! lol.


    Wow this is not a random question at all! lol. I own like 15 to 20. Proably more,my mom steals pencils and pens from her workplace all the time.


  8. OMG bliss where ya been havnt seen ya in a while.

    DNQ1~ L is coming to steal your candy!!!!! RUM AWAY!!!!! (yes i know it says rum...) Will you drink the rum???

    <--OMG yes rum rules, rum forever lol theres no way l can steal my candy if i have the rum lmao.

    DNQ2~ Kira and Mikami are attacking the Hershey factory!!!!! Whats gonna happen when all the chocolate is gone in the world?????


    <--Gah no they they cant i wont let them, O.o omg there already there i must defend the chocolaty goodness lol.

    BQ1~ OMG AIZEN!!!!!!! ...does he even have a fangirl?? seriously...

    <--dont know dont watch

    BQ2~ Ichigo... part human, part soul reaper, part something, and part.... WAFFLE TACO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *gasp* Are you amazed by Mr. Ichi's powers?????

    <--lmfao waffle taco yes. not really amazed but its quite funny

    PENCILS!!!!!!!!! How many do you own?

    0-2... you really hate writing

    3-9... normal person

    10-15... you break the tips too much

    15-20... artist person thingy

    20-bazillion... OMG!!!! ...wierdo...

    Bazillion-Infinity and beyond... ~no comment~<--yes i have no comment im a pencil horder omg O.o that sounded weird and obsessive lol im not really im not *twitch* L takes my pencil omg that my pencil *bites l* lol

    Aww thats all wow bliss you are always random

    O.o omg bliss how did you know that was were i was hiding omg are you stalking me lmao.

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