I like wasting my points for the peoples... ^_^
Okie dokie!! First, Death Note questions (you don't really need to watch DN to answer these, so HA!!)
DNQ1~ L is coming to steal your candy!!!!! RUM AWAY!!!!! (yes i know it says rum...) Will you drink the rum???
DNQ2~ Kira and Mikami are attacking the Hershey factory!!!!! Whats gonna happen when all the chocolate is gone in the world?????
Next Bleach questions!!!!
BQ1~ OMG AIZEN!!!!!!! ...does he even have a fangirl?? ...like seriously...
BQ2~ Ichigo... part human, part soul reaper, part something, and part.... WAFFLE TACO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *gasp* Are you amazed by Mr. Ichi's powers?????
....... Need to think of another question!!!!!! ........
PENCILS!!!!!!!!! How many do you own?
0-2... you really hate writing
3-9... normal person
10-15... you break the tips too much
15-20... artist person thingy
20-bazillion... OMG!!!! ...wierdo...
Bazillion-Infinity and beyond... ~no comment~
BYE BYES!!!!! *hugs*