
I'm weighing in at about 186lbs and I'm 5'4". How do i lose about 20 lbs.?

by Guest55896  |  earlier

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I really want ot lose weight and I dont know how. My biggest problem area is my stomach. I heard about drinking green tea is that a good thing to do. I really want to lose some weight help




  1. First, take your weight in pounds, add a zero to the end and that's how many calories you should eat everyday to lose weight. (example: 250 pounds = 2,500 calories per day) You will have to adjust your caloric intake as you lose weight.

    (be sure it's not under 1,200 calories per day)

    Then, plan your meals off of the basic food pyramid. is a great website!

    Water is also very important!

    Take your weight in pounds and that's how much water you should drink in oz. everyday. (example: 250 pounds = 250 oz.)

    1 cup is approx. 8 oz.

    Daily physical activity is not required but if you want to boost your weight loss and tone up then you should be physically active 30-60 minutes per day.

    Remember this is a gradual proses, it doesn't happen over night.

    Hope I helped!


  2. well i am struggling as well. I am 5'9" and weight in at 180 which is also to much for me. i have found that drinking alot of water is taking some of the weight off. also cut down on sugar. sugar is the worst and its in almost everything..unfortunatly. My problem is the late night snacking in front of the TV. I have switched to eating air popped popcorn instead of sugary foods. its kept me from gaining weight. its hard i know but you can do it. walk, drink water, cut out junk food and you are golden!!!

  3. Green tea is an aid to losing weight. This site has many aids to losing weight plus tells what you should eat and not eat.

  4. hey Ive been struggling with my weight too i also weigh the same as you and i am the same height

    and my problem area is my thighs and stomach also

    i suggest u run in the morning and cut down on you portion sizes and drink a lot of water

    and green tea and you  are bound to lose the weight that's  what i am going to do

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