
I'm wondering how many women will vote for McCain just because he chose a female VP?

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I'm wondering how many women will vote for McCain just because he chose a female VP?




  1. I'm wondering how many people will say women voted for McCain because he picked a female VP.

    Honestly, I'm still on the line. There is a very big chance that I could go third party but I've been researching Palin for a couple of months now and although we don't share the exact views on everything, I'm impressed by her and what she has done in her short time as Governor.

    Whether or not I vote for McCain, Obama or someone else. I hold Palin in high esteem and I think she is a brilliant addition to the political world, female or not.


    R. Gaspari gives a very good answer.

    and I love how I get thumbs down because I'm not some self-proclaiming lover of Obama.'d think the man was Jesus frickin Christ or something.

  2. I wouldn't vote for him, even if he picked my favorite actor.  

  3. I don't know, but his choice for VP isn't exactly what Hillary supporters stand for when it comes to women's issues.  

  4. Not the ones with brains!  

  5. I think a lot of disgruntled Hillaryheads (my word) will go for it. That's probably the only reason he chose her, anyway. If he were smart, he would have picked Romney; he needs that economic knowledge.

  6. Does it matter? Everything is a last chance saloon gamble for McCain. Nice man, no clue. Mostly supported by people who revel in referring to Obama as a communist and have bad dreams about "socialized medicine".

    Prepare for a black president.

  7. Historically, women tend to vote Democrat, irrespective on anything else.  I can't be certain of how many women will vote for McCain for choosing a female VP.  And frankly, I'm not sure that this political move was so much gender-driven as it was to demonstrate that the McCain administration is not the "typical" Republican Administration.

    The only talking points that the Dems have against Sen. McCain is that he's in his seventies and that he is endorsed by GW Bush.  Beyond that, there's really not much to criticise.  Sure he's got a resume in Congress, and after a quarter of a century, obviously there will be mistakes in it.

    But then again, Hussein Obama has, effectively, no resume.  It's tough to pick apart someone with no resume.  But then again, it's not all that wise to put a high school vice president in the position of POTUS either.  One needs time to make errors in judgement.  Hussein Obama lacks enough time to have made enough errors (so has my 9 month old nephew).  Their resumes read about equally with respect to government.

  8. I'm not going to.  He's anti-women's health on pretty much every issue.

  9. she's not a female, she's a male in drag - she's pro-life, she's a member of the NRA and shoots her own moose for burgers, she doesn't support homosexual marriage, and she's got even less experience than obama=lama (if you can believe that).  Anyway, this insulting move by McCain has pushed me off the fence - I've decided I'm voting for the first black female - Minnie Mouse.

  10. Not me. I consider myself a feminist, but won't vote for McCain because I don't believe in his agenda (or his new VP's). I would never compromise that just because she's a woman.

  11. NOPE!!!

    I was a Hillary supporter who turned Obama supporter.

    Aside from that, Palina is not presidential material like Hillary is.

    As far as I'm concerned, she's just some bimbo.

  12. More than you think.

    I think many many women will vote for McCain with her in mind, hoping that McCain kicks the bucket real soon after he gains office.

    No joke I'm not trying to be funny. I think there is what a lot of people are thinking right now.  

  13. I would vote for him even if he didn't pick a female VP.

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