
I'm working on a question about the age of the universe. Question: What would 10 to the power of 234 be?

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I'm working on a question about the age of the universe. Question: What would 10 to the power of 234 be?




  1. Those are two different subjects. Anyway, just write down the number 10 followed by 233 zeros. (I'm not going to do the work for you)

  2. it is less than 10^234^234^234

    and this will be the size of the universe.

  3. A "1" followed by 234 zeros.

    A million raised to the power 39.

    In the long scale (where a billion is a million million), it could be called a "undequadragintillion" (except that no one would).

    quadranginta is Latin for 40.

    Romans would not say 39, they would say "one from forty", in Latin:  undequadranginta.

    In the short scale, the name would have to be constructed from the number 77.  Something like a Septantaseptillion.

    I am intrigued though, trying to imagine how that number could be associated with the age of the universe (4.4 x 10^17 seconds)

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