
I'm worried I have lyme disease?

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I'm kinda paranoid haha.

Um yesterday I found this itchy spot on my leg.

I'm worried its a tick bite.

It looks like a cut. red in the middle, about an inch long...

Then I woke up with a sore throught, and symptoms like I have a cold.

Is this lyme disease? What would happen if it is and it goes untreated?





  1. go c ur doc..keep ir simple ;-)

  2. An itchy spot that looks like a cut is more likely a scrape from a branch or bush than a tick bite.

    If you found no tick,  just be on the lookout for any growing rash.

    Lyme won't give you a sore throat.  Swelling adjacent to the throat... after a MONTH, possibly (thyroid), but not "sore".  If you have congestion, consider yourself Lucky... it's probably indeed just a cold. :)

    NOW... things like running a fever, headache, excessive sleepiness, night sweats, sore knees & hips, esp. where the soreness migrates from joint to joint...THOSE, my friend, might indicate a tick-borne disease, & req a trip to the doc's.

    But in your case , I wouldn't worry.

  3. Doesn't sound like a tick bite - the tick will usually stay attached.  If you're really worried you should seek professional advice - a doctor, not YA

  4. Good sources of info about Lyme disease:

  5. Where do you live?  IF it is in the Northeast, you might have it.  You should get a huge, nasty bruise/rash and flu symptoms.  

    I have had Lyme Disease three times and never gotten the 'rash' myself, but I have seen it on others, but not everyone gets it.  

    Your doctor can do a blood test, do it immediately.  By the time you have serious symptoms, it will be harder to cure.  

    Many doctors will prescribe antibiotics, even if your blood work is negative as the test is sometimes false negative.  Ask for a "western blot' test, it is more accurate.  

    You will probably have to take doxycyclen (if you have it) for about a month.  The longer you wait, the worse it will get.

    Do it soon!  Untreated, it will get worse and not go away.  I have arthritis everywhere because I was misdiagnosed and had it for two years.  

  6. Lyme disease has been found in ALL 50 states! The bulls-eye rash is not always observed. See your dr even if you feel paranoid. My wife was misdiagnosed by a dr who told her that she was only borderline and did not have swollen knees. She continued to get worse with flu-like symptoms and achey joints which seemed to move to all of her joints at various times. She was misdiagnosed later, for 4 years, with fibromyalgia.

    The Northeast is much more aware of Lyme disease because of the many folks stricken with the disease.

    Igenex in California is probably the best place (my humble opinion) to have your doctor send your blood for the Western Blot test.

    When I first started researching Lyme disease in late 1994 there were only a dozen links. Today there are more then 3 MILLION!

    Do your own research and educate yourself.  

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