
I'm worried about my Period?!?

by  |  earlier

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I'm thirteen years old, and I've been having my period for about a year now. It seemed to go regular straight away, and I can easily work out when it's going to be.

I came on about two weeks ago, and now I've come on again. I'm a bit worried because this hasn't happened before. Is this normal? Is it because I'm still young, its going to be irregular?




  1. It is possible for your period to be irregular for the first few years. Your body is still trying to get used to it. If you keep getting it every two weeks, you should talk to your mom.

  2. Im 13 also. My seemed to go regular right away also. but since ive started I have only got 2 weeks inbetween, and my periods last 6-8 days. so i know what u mean.  But if i were u id just talk to ur mom. and yes our periods are probly just irregular. My aunt is bring me to the ob/gyn next week and im going on the pill, Ill let u know if that works, email me at

  3. It is normal because you are just getting started.  Purchase a calendar (buy a pocket type as they are handy to store) and make detailed entries to keep track of your body functions.  Do not rely on your memory when it comes to your health.  Be sure to eat healthy and take vitamins that are appropriate for a teenager.

  4. Its not bacterial vaginosis dont listent o these people its completly regular for someone your age dont worry as we get older are bodys tend to change and start getting used to its functions....  

  5. I would not worry at this stage. Keep a note of the flow and how many weeks in between. If this continues to be every fortnight then see the doctor.

    I personally would think it is just your hormones settling down.

    Don't worry too much.

  6. Don't Worry!!! It is very normal to have irregular periods when you are young. And despite what the previous poster stated It does NOT MEAN YOU HAVE AN INFECTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Keep good track of when you start and stop on your calender and note if you are having any other symptoms. If it persists ask you parents to take you to the doctor to be sure there is nothing else going on.  

  7. It's normal for your period to be irregular as a teenager.

  8. yeah its normal to be irregular.

    wait 3 more months and see what happens, ifs it evens out then ok, if not you could ask ur mum about going on the pill to regulate ur periods if it really bothers u not knowing

  9. every once in a while something like stress or hormones can put us off a bit especially when you are young and just starting . If this continues then I would see a Doctor but if its just this time no biggie :). Also if you r taking birth control which i doubt at your age  but  that and other meds can throw your cycle off. Hope this helps

    God bless

  10. There are many things that can cause you cycle to go off, i don;t want to list them and freak you out.  My cycle did similar things, i woun't get it for four months, then get it and it would last for a month. Going on the pill can regulate it.   Go to the doctor, and have them look into it, just to be on the safe side.  

  11. Periods suck plane and simple its normal for you to be out of wack  especially if you are stressing about something.

    another thing periods tend to stay on track with the people (girls and women) you are around so if your friends have it at a different time or your mom maybe its tracking around them have fun becoming a yong lady

  12. yes thats probably right i am fourteen and about alfa year ago that happend to me but i didnt come on come off come on again i just continued to be on my period for about 3 weeks and it was strange but its okay now  

  13. It is just because your still young. Within the first year or 2 periods can be irregular. you can have it for a couple days, then it will stop, and then start again, like what happened to you. your period may be weird like that for maybe like another year. don't worry. also this can happen if your really worried, depressed, not eating right, or have lost a lot of weight.

  14. Ok so this is ur problem!!!!!!! don't worry it'll be alright but i think it won't be regularly ok don't worry this is an interesting questiion thnx for asking u thought that we r ur friends and u r sharing with us.....  

  15. Yeah i think as you first started about a year ago, there's a good chance it could be to do with that. If you are still worried see a doctor, but everything sounds fine to me.

  16. Well its just normal for some1 of ur age to be like that.

  17. Yeah, I wouldn't worry about it.  I was irregular for quite a while...

  18. being so young, it is normal for periods to be irregular.

    write down dates you start, and if you start again soon go to a doctor and bring down the list of dates you started.

    many people have many different cycles. my sister had a period every other week for a few months. then had her period for 2 weeks straight. if you have problems like this, talk to your doctor, birth control can regulate your period

  19. Ye thats fine dont worry about it. I mean you say that they've been regular but things will change so that could also include the new iregullar period. Dont worry honestly:) x

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