
I'm worried about my sister because...?

by  |  earlier

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My sister is about to go have s*x with a 21 year old. She is only 14!! I really don't want her too and I think its wrong. I'm hoping that if she sees that people also think its wrong that she wont do it. They are both willing participants.




  1. I think you need to be telling a parent or maybe even a teacher or a counselor at her school, she obviously has other issues, because at that age she should not be thinking about having s*x. She should be hanging out with friends her age. I wont even address the jerk that wants to have s*x with her, he should be in jail! @*$!% Pervert! But, i must applaud you, at least you reached out to others for advice, dont give up on her, sometimes it helps just to be there for each other.

  2. get someone to kick the pedaphiles ace

  3. That's wrong. And it's also considered rape, no matter who's willing.

    If you don't want to tell anyone, go stop her...NOW. And if she won't listen, you have to do something.

  4. tell your parents and call the police that's statuary rape. Argh sicko!  

  5. Inform the person in power (the 21 year old, if possible) that his/her actions are illegal and if your sister wishes, she could sue him for statutory rape, even if they were both willing as other have said here.

    On the other hand, your sister's heart needs to be changed. And only God can help with that. Otherwise she's just going to be another teenage pregnancy scarred by aborting or with a child she resents for ruining her life and grows up to do the same thing she did because the child wasn't loved as it should've been.

  6. tell ur mum!

  7. It's illegal for him to have s*x with her.  Tell your parents.  Tell her it's illegal.  He'll go to jail.  Don't let her do it.  Tell his parents.  Tell him he'll go to jail.  

  8. Tell your parents now! Get a restraining order against this guy. He needs to be in jail. He's a pedo

  9. tell her there is a big risk cause what happens if she becomes pregnant, gets an std???

    that would make it a statutory rape

    people can find out fast

    she should at least wait

  10. thtas illegal he can get in alot of trouble fro doin somthim like that stop her now

  11. woahh stopp herr. NOWW! thats juss not rightt...hes juss usingg herr...dont let her leave the house..that mann is to old. howw prevertedd.

  12. How idiotic.

    Lets call the police.

  13. OMG! no no no! don't let her. that guy is prolly using her and can go to jail! tell someone to stop her!

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