
I'm worried about my teacher!?!? Help?

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Okay well I am now a freshman in high school. I am in band, and I take instrument lessons with my middle school band teacher for an hour once a week. Well, last Tuesday (over a week ago) I sent her an email asking when the next lesson would be, and she said since school was starting soon, it might be preplanning for teachers and she might have meetings to attend. She said she would let me know as soon as she found out. So last week when she emailed me was band camp anyway, and I saw her until Friday, but I didn't talk to her, and I hadn't got an email from her. Well, here I am...Thursday and haven't heard from her over a week. We were supposed to do a lesson this week, but I'm guessing she just got busy. Anyway, Tuesday night I sent her an email about something totally different, but mentioned it in the PS at the end. I still haven't heard from her, and she is usually very promt is responding to such emails. I dont care about the lesson...I'm just wondering if something like happened to her, or if she just got really busy since she is director of a band and all. School starts Monday, and since I am in high school now, I won't see her. What should I do? I figured she would have at least emailed back saying we couldn't do a lesson, you know? She's just that kind of person.




  1. Do you have a phone number for her? Or maybe the school can help you get in touch with her. I'm sure she's ok, probably just got busy.

  2. Most people like to hid their problems so they won't get judge.

    She might not want to talk to you, but you should try emailing her and calling her again and explain you are concern for her.

    good luck.

  3. she might just be held up by preparing for school to start and stuff or her internet could of broke theres lodes of possible reasons but I'm sure she will reply soon (:

  4. my guess is she either has a new boyfriend-girlfriend or is having marrige problems

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