
I'm worried about school...?

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I get like this every year before school starts but I need a little help this year. I want this year to be amazing, last year was horrible with all the drama. And I'm nervous about the first day!!! How do I accomplish what I want this year to be?




  1. Try to hide all of your worries, walk in the school with confidence. Keep your head up high, do not look down to anyone. If someone is making fun of you just roll your eyes and laugh, act like it doesn't bother you, even if it does. Do not let them see you upset, it will egg them on, but if you act like you don't care they will back off. Maybe even want to hang out with you. You need to feel confident with yourself. Try talking to people you would normally never talk to. Go to all the school events with a date or with friends. Its all a matter of how you present yourself, so just put on a calm facade when your nervous, and just have FUN! If you worry about what everyone else thinks you really can't enjoy yourself, so relax, you'll be just fine. Have some faith in yourself. Good Luck!

  2. be yourself dont get caught up in drama and fights be the BETTER person. be nice. TRY UR BEST TO DO WAT U WANT TO DO!

  3. Just be yourself.  Don't get caught up in popularity and other things that you might regret.

  4. go into school feeling confident and happy. you'll meet new friends, and you'll have a new start. you don't have to be involved in all the drama, you know. if you hear gossip or whatever, just ignore it. that's what i do.

  5. Ok...Playa this year is going to be different. Its always is. So its your time to shine. SMILE alot and improve yourself trust me, and get to know more people.

  6. I answered this to another question. For the popularity/drama: Have friends but focus on school. To stay away from drama, just say you aren't gunna be part of it and don't. If it's about you, say it isn't true and laugh a little. Popularity..don't try hard. Be yourself and everything will fall in place.

    Tips for Good Academics

    1. When your friends try to convince you, a simply head shake "no" will help you stay in class. Say no. Don't listen to peer pressure. If they hate you for it, they wern't your friends in the first place

    2. Take notes. The best way to learn. If you write down what you are taking in, more likely to remember writing it. Also, it's a good way to review.

    3. Study. When you know a test is coming up, study for it. Flash cards are a great way. Write the question/vocabulary word on the front and the answer/definition on the back. Ask someone to hold them up for you. Re-read your notes. Try to remember it. You can re-write them in smaller/shorter terms so when you study it, it'll be faster and easier to remember. For example, if part of your notes was a vocab word, like this:

    learning- when your mind conceives infomation brought by eyes or ears.

    You could condense it to this:

    learning- understanding info.

    4. Don't be afraid to ask questions. Ask your teacher the question when it comes up, so you won't mess up your processing. Or, if you can't ask the question, write it down so you won't forget. Ask after class.

    5. Do your homework. Before doing anything when you get home, do homework. Eat a snack before, of course, but don't watch T.V, text, call, or anything until homework is complete and read-over.

    6. Have a routine. For example, this is mine:

    4:00pm- get home, eat a snack

    5:00pm- start on homework

    6:00pm- eat dinner, relaz

    7:00pm- study time and finish homework

    8:30pm- get ready for bed (brush and change clothes), and finish studying

    9:00pm- relax, watch TV

    10:00pm- Sleep

    7. Sleep well, eat three meals a day, and go to every class.

    Good luck my man. Oh, I'm a 7th grader and this is what I do.

  7. beat up all the freshmen

  8. Write out your goals (with some space underneath them). Then underneath each goal, write how you can accomplish that goal. When you get very specific with your goals, it's easy to accomplish them.

    You just have to pick the right friends. I rarely get caught up in drama because my friends are amazing. They're very much like myself, and if they're mad, they take it up with the person they're irritated with. We're very upfront with eachother because we trust eachother.

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