
I'm worried about the environment?

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I keep hearing about global warming and I read a story about how in bolivia the glaciers are not staying frozen, and thats the main water source for the people. And I'm kinda worried about the future, and what will happen. Any one else feel like this? I'm 14 so I don't know what I can do to help, but if u have any suggestions feel free to share them =)




  1. Apart from the really easy stuff we should all be doing like recycling and using less electricity (at least replacing your bedroom lights with low energy bulbs) & water, there's a couple of things a 14 year old can do which are very effective and important.

    First, try to talk your parents into switching to 100% accredited Green energy if it's available in your area.

    And even better than that, get active. Talk to your school about what it's doing - and if it's doing nothing then start (or join if there is already one) a student lobby group to get them to improve. And at the same time join (or start!) a general community sustainability group in your area, and get active.

    Greening your own life is a great start, but to really help we need to actively encourage other to do the same.

  2. recycle

  3. Yes it is scary it going to kill us as tsunamis will go everywhere because as ice melt there are more water in oceans and more water means salt level it lower therefore the water wont stay together in the ocean

  4. President Nixon started the first Earth day; support people like him and things will be OK.

  5. There are glaciers in Bolivia?

    You are young.  Sit back and watch.  The global warming lies will have come apart within 5-10 years.

  6. every little bit counts!! ask your parents if you cant start recycling, and using earth friendly products. like cleaning products use vinegar and water and lemons instead of the stuff you buy at the store, vinegar and lemons are both disinfectants so they are perfect, and they are better for the family!! you can find lots of recipes for safer cleaning products online! don't buy bottled water, if you do recycle the bottles, and soda cans!!

    also change all your light bulbs to energy efficient compact florecent ones!!

    just do some little things and it will help so much!!

  7. I know i feel bad for the polar bears and all the other animals. What can we do? hmm... I think its time for a BRAIN STORM!!! yay!! wooo!. We can recycle and like turn off things when they are not being used. We could also get hybrid cars. but for us i think we can just get organic stuff and carpool and take the bus.

  8. One of the statements above mentioned that global warming is a conspiracy.  I personally believe the evidence for global warming is true.  However, whether you believe in it or not, it is still good common sense to be environmentally conscious since it would be only a matter of time when our polluting does catch up with us.  This could be in 5 years or 500 years, but why not try to change our ways before our planet becomes unliveable, right?

    There are lots of little things you can do to help the environment:

               1) There are over a billion plastic bags polluting the earth and harming the wildlife.  To improve this situation, you can use your own canvas bags when ever you go grocery shopping.  Lots of chainstores sell eco-friendly bags.

               2) Carpool or use public transportation to  reduce your carbon emmissions.

               3) Reduce your use of electricity by turning off the lights in unused rooms and unplug any appliances that you're not using (even if it's not on, it's still using electricity).

              4) Bottled water is not good for the environment because the transportation of the water produces carbon emmissions and a lot of energy and water is used to make all those plastic water bottles.  Instead it's much better to buy your own water bottle that you can always have with you.

              5) Most importantly..........Recycle, Reduce, Reuse!

  9. and so you should be

    head for the hills and start a garden

    how you can help

    respect the animals

    live Healthy

    check the answers under conservation and eco conscious

  10. Keep educating yourself just as it seems you have been already! More information will never hurt a decision when it comes to deciding how you would like to influence the environment during your lifetime. I am thinking as a 29 year old that it will be a life's work... Enjoy it when you can.

  11. I'm no expert but i don't think much of global warming. personally i think it is a joke. people get worried about cars emmiting pllution and fossil fules burning up the ozone layer. Yes this may be true but its a part of life. when cows f**t they let off just as much pollution. in fact, more. so what are we going to do? kill all of the cows? i DON"T THINK SO. Lets come back to reality people. I live in montana, usa. the glaciers that were once here are now gone as well. but i don't believe global warming was the cause. after the ice age things started to heat up again right? therefor of course the glaciers will melt. If you want to make a difference keep garbage picked up and the enviroment clean. don't litter and don't buy any greenie cars. they are cars that are electric, go about 25mph and don't pollute the air.... so it all seems good. but in the end, they cost more than a regular car, and the cost about 4000 dollars to have the battery changed. and that happens aobut every 4-5 years  opposed to maybe one or too max. for regular cars that cost 200 dollars. and when its all said and done, they can't recycle the hybrid car's batteries, thus polluting the enviroment even more. you won't die in your lifetime because of global warming. and even if it was real, its already happening and there is nothing you can really do.

  12. If you are worried you can start to do your part in saving the planet. Start recycling and keeping trash picked up etc. Get your family involved. Make ecology your main concern.  :-)

  13. Global warming is a very scary thing but it's not as bad as they tell us on tv. Don't believe everything you hear.

  14. Global warming is happeing----for those who do not belive explain why greenland has a huge crack down the middle and how the ice shelf has melted 40%--also when greenland totally disapears cities along the shoreline well get flodded.

    All ice well be gone by 2045--those who do not belive how can u arguee with top worl scients.... all scients have admittied global warming is true..

    Face the facts  :)         plez take this topic serioulsly and if u are unsure get the facts--

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