
I'm worried about the war with Georgia?

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I'm American and I'm really concerned about the war that's going on with Georgia.

I live in Texas so that's only a couple of states away from me. It seems a little close for comfort...




  1. I thought we went oversees to war so that it doesn't happen on our land. But then I hear about the War in Georgia and I don't know what to think. Apparently the Georgians aren't as peaceful as I thought they were. I don't feel safe anymore.

  2. Make sure to buy  enough peach and peanuts before the war hits Texas. Or, even better, buy more commodity stocks of peach and peanuts on Wall street. That will make you feel whole lot better.

  3. If the Mexicans get involved, RUN!!!

  4. **** im worried as either your joking and mostly nobody on here understands it or you truly beleive that the ******* state in  america is the same as the georgian country,there is a whole world outsde america thats more amazing and natural and beatiful america has become a tomb in which people are trapped without knowing it see.  

  5. come to Los Angeles I have an extra room ( the closet)

    Hey Bluelocks down there loves misery..

  6. The Georgia we are hearing about being in conflict with Russia is not the Georgia (U.S. state)!

    We are talking about the country of Georgia partially in Eastern Europe and partially in Southwest Asia. It is bordered to the north by the Russian Federation, to the east by Azerbaijan, to the west by the Black Sea, to the south by Armenia and to the southwest by Turkey.

    And here's a map of the country-Georgia!:

    ---Gosh,take some geography lessons please.

  7. Try Atlanta, as laurel and hardy said " it's along distance from Atlanta to Georgia.:)

  8. Be careful of Stonewalliski's tank cavalry they are deadly

  9. I know.  It pisses me off that Alaska just barges in and takes over everything.  Who do they think they are?  I realize they like cold wars, but this is ridiculous!

  10. Maybe you should move up north!!!

    You'll be safe in Canada!!! LOL

    LOL @ Suki!!! shhh don't admit to anything!!!


    I'm going out to dinner shortly!!! *sighs* now that I found something to do!!

  11. l think l'd rather be in Georgia Europe than Texas USA it's less murderous,has no Klu Klax Klan and you don't get beaten up for having long hair

  12. don't worry, as long as atlanta is not under siege, you have nothing to be concerned about.

  13. Lol...ok i'll openly admit it - i did think it was THAT Georgia......


  14. Your question seems way too intelligent to be written by an American!

    Heh heh.

  15. Russia,  lol,  let them have that little nothing country called Georgia, whats the big deal anyway.  look its like were damned if we do and damned if we don't.  i personally think the USA should get out of this whole thing, we should leave the middle east, and we should leave Russia alone to do what they want.  our men and women should come home and strictly protect our soil only,  we should step out and let the world deal with their own problems, and if anyone come crying for help, we should laugh at them and tell them its none of our buisness

  16. I think it must be another Georgia.

    Americans seem to think everything is about them. There is a whole world beyond your shores

  17. Get your bagpipes out & play them loudly.....that'll stop the war.

    Just march out of Texas Kev, with your kilt flying & your hairy legs showing & they'll stop the shooting & you may then negotiate a peace deal.

    You can then have a peace conference with Haggis & whiskey.

  18. lol Kev you silly goose we all know you are a scottsman :P

  19. Maybe you should move somewhere safer - I've heard good things about South Ossetia

  20. I have been having a war with Georgia for 10 years.

    Cant wait till she leaves home........

    Yeah move you crazy mixed up Scot!

  21. I think the good news is that Putin plans to burn down Atlanta. At least that would solve the traffic problems.

  22. I hope your kidding. I really hope you'r not serious. PLease tell me you are aware that Georgia the country is a former territory of the U.S.S.R. and that Russia has lauched hostel raids. Not Mississippi or anything like that

  23. Don't you leave me alone there Kev (((((SOBS))))) uncontrollably.

  24. Don't worry. They'll stop when they realize that they are in love with their sisters or their tails need removing or insert your own southerner joke here.

  25. Lol. move down south.... to the north!

    don't listen to Lulu, I've seen misery!

    Snizz, you're still very bored aren't you? lol

    Have a great time :)

  26. I've never heard of a war going on in Georgia State

    but I have heard of the war going on in the country of Georgia, between the Russians and Georgians

    However, I heard that a cease-fire was announced

  27. relax, it's a local war, they've been doing it for centuries.

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