my horse has an injured back leg (have posted about it before). i have been using yellow lotion 3 times daily and washing with salt water daily.
the swelling had gone down and it was looking heaps better so we'd cut down to yellow lotion once daily as well as the salt water (which is great). many people had recommended to now use copper sulphate for a few days, to get rid of the dead proud flesh, and then to use hydrated lime.
we washed her leg yesturday afternoon and then applied the copper sulphate.
when we checked her this morning, the swelling was back and when we washed it, it was sore as she kept lifting her leg.
after washing it today i went back to the yellow lotion as i'm worried about the copper sulphate burning her and i don't know why the swellings back.
Any one have any advice? i've never used the copper sulphate before and don't know what i'm supposed to expect?