
I'm worried and I can't do anything about it.?

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I think my dog is starting to produce milk. Don't dogs usually start producing milk about 24 hours before going into labor? She still has 21 days to go and I don't want to the babies to die. She and the stud are perfectly healthy with no problems or anything so I don't know why this could be happening if it is. Just to note that I am not even sure that she is actually starting to produce milk, but it's just a possibility. Any advice???




  1. It is normal for dogs to produce/leak milk early--just like women.  

  2. Vets don't charge for phone calls, so if I were personally as worried as you obviously are, I would call tomorrow and just ask about it. They might tell you that it's normal for some dogs and put your mind at ease, or they might be able to at least tell you the reason this is happening. The worst they could possibly say is, "That sounds bad. I think you're going to have to bring her in." and if they say that, won't you be glad you called and saved her from some kind of complications later? You need to talk to someone who really knows, not strangers on the internet. Your girl's health and the health of the pups is way too important to do anything else, and I'm a little shocked that your mom doesn't realize that. Good luck.

  3. What do you mean you can't do anything about it?

    Call your ******* Vet for christ's sake!

    Does she also not allow you to use the phone??

  4. Not unusual, just watch her.

  5. Some times the females will have some milky discharge before the pups are due. I have raised puppies for 8 yrs , this happens  especially if it is not her first litter.  So just keep on watching her she should be ok as long as she doesn't get contractions.  

  6. Is she leaking milk? Or is her **** just gettin bigger? Its normal for a pregnant dogs b***s to get bigger in size b4 they have babies. I thought my female was gonna pop everywhere right b4 she had her puppies. Don't worry unless she's just acting completly not normal but also remember she is pregnant so she's not gonna be herslef all the way around. Just calm down and let nature take its course. Ur dog will be fine!

  7. This is normal for the females to produce milk early, or they can just produce a milky discharge..she is fine

    but, if you are  not sure, which it is, just call your vet for advice...

    lots of females produce early, does not mean there is anything wrong.she should be fine..

    my female lab I use to have, did this, never bothered her or the pups...

  8. Why didn't you email me on this?  She shouldn't really have milk until the day or two before the labor onset.

    I didn't know you were going thru so much turmoil in your home.  

    At the last week, put her in the whelping box/area that you said you did.  She won't nest until the day before.

    She's fine and you shouldn't fret yourself.  You have taken good care of her so far and will continue to do so.  I know this, as we have talked.  

    If you really want to call me, email me and I will give you my phone number.  I have free weekend minutes.


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