
I'm worried for my friend! Please help me!!!?

by Guest34055  |  earlier

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My friend is 15 years old and she wants to have s*x with this 19 year old...I'm furious with this 19 year old because he's influencing her to act different and she's not the same anymore. All she does is talk about him. Also i spent the week with her in NY and i overheard her talking to him about s*x and getting married! And they were having phone s*x..which made me so sick...

She tells me that he loves her and she loves him..but i think it's all fake!

What can i do to help her? Please!! time is running out!




  1. tell her that it is illegal and he could get into serious trouble if he sleeps with her

    if she loves him she should wait till she is of legal age or she may be putting him in jail if they get caught, and chances of getting caught are great

    you might consider telling her parents, or at least yours

    if she doesn't change her behavior, you should find new friends who have the same moral values that you have

  2. A 19yo having s*x with 15yo is illegal coz 15yo is underage, that was my understanding, and that guy will go to jail, as that might consider as rape. If that guy love her, he needs to wait until your friend is 18yo.

    Tell her that...  

  3. tell her he can go to jail for being with her

  4. Has she met his parents? If she has then that helps because that shows that he likes her somewhat. But tell her to snap out of it! If she is 15 and he is 19 he obviously goes to college and he can probably have s*x with millions of girls there. She would never know, her heart will get played with. This kid is just using her for s*x and what ever else they do. Smack that girl in the face and show her this message.

    Tell her she has her whole life ahead of her and he is probably not the one she's going to be with forever. Tell her to not do anything with him for a long time and see how much he ask to have s*x and stuff. If he keeps asking her, he doesn't like her.

  5. tell her how you feel if she is a real friend she sill understand, but in the end it is her life, her choice and her mistake to make

  6. tell a grown up

    underage s*x is illegal!

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