
I'm worried...heavy flow, really bad cramps and period is too soon?

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Well all of the above. Heavy flow (deff more than usually) pretty bad cramps and my period is too soon. This is my first year, so granted they will be irregular right? But what can i do? Is it something to keep my eye on? Plz help!




  1. Hay I can totally relate to you I'm 13. I started my period last year. It's so normal ,when i first started mines it was like a pool of blood in my underwear. Just use thicker pads and use Midol it works great. I am now 13 and my periods are moderate to light it varies. Your goin soon bleed lighter promise.  

  2. I really don't think it's anything to worry about. When a girl first starts getting periods they seem to be much lighter than someone in her 20's 0r 30's would have. So, the heavier period might be closer to normal than you think it should be. Try midol and a heating pad for cramps. Drink plenty of water and try to rest. You're ok.

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