
I'm worried i will lose my partner if i cant control my anger but i don't know why im so angery all the time

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I'm worried i will lose my partner if i cant control my anger but i don't know why im so angery all the time




  1. go to a therapist to find out he problem or talk to ur partner about how they fell about u and ask for suggestions  

  2. Anger usually comes from unresolved issues, the only way to get control of this anger is... try get to the bottom of what it is that makes you so angry. It mayy be helpful if you can get yourself therapy. You will find once you get to the bottom of the problem then you will learn how to deal with things in a more constructive way. Anger can be a very destructive cause you to feel shame,guilt, and sorrow, but you can get pass this anger with the right help .

  3. Anger is a very real problem that people tend to minimize. If you've tried controlling the anger on your own, but just can't seem to make improvements, you definitely need to seek professional help. They are not only trained to help you make the changes you want, but it will show your partner that you're serious about getting your anger under control.

    Good luck!

  4. I'm having this issue as anger stems from stress....i actually do yoga now, and think before i say the wrong things...sometimes u just have to let things is too short to keep on arguing.

  5. d only person that can answear that is your own self.

    take a goodnight / complete sleep.

    try to relax, then try to analyze your self, try to seek good in others & pray.....good luck!

  6. You sound like my eldest son - yesterday, he yanked my grandson's arm and shouted at him as if he hated him (he's three)....I know he was angry with him because he had woken up his little brother who was bawling his head off....but, it was horrible to see my son looking SO angry.  (He said afterwards 'God, I hate my life')

    He is no worse off than the majority of people I know - so I don't know why he is so angry.

    Sorry, I'm not helping you at all, am I.  

    I think one thing my son might be is frustrated (mentally) - he was classed as university material whilst at school - but, he works putting up plasterboarding on new builds.....but, he doesn't seem able to get himself up out of his rut.  Could that be your problem?

  7. Try talking to a therapist to determine the source of your anger issues.

  8. go somewhere n scream ur lungs out...

  9. hi! hello!  SAME BOAT!  I was diagnosed bipolar but trust me, I think they got it wrong, I believe I have Borderline Personality Disorder.  It is very similar but way differant.  Once I read the traits I knew that is what is wrong with me.  I am going to my doc to get help for this becauase my fiance has had just about enough.  Get help for your anger, it will be better for you all around and you will know that it's not your fault.  We can't help that our brains are unbalanced.  Good luck.

  10. Don´t hurt your partner any more because that hurts relationships forever, and there is no way back, EVER. So think twice before getting angry again.

    You may have somekind of resentment towards your partner, so you need to look deep into you and find the true cause for your anger.

    If you really don´t want to lose your partner, try to talk about it with someone you feel comfortable talking to, or a professional.

    If you find out that you cannot forgive, then be honest to you and to your partner and let go, or take break apart from each other.

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