
I'm worried my 16 year old son has been having s*x?

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i just found out that my 16 year old son's girlfriend is pregnant. well, ex-girlfriend. he broke up with her when she told him. My son claims that he NEVER slept with her, and he couldn't possibly be the father. but.....his girlfriend says it WAS him, and claims they had s*x several times. I don't know who to believe!! what do you think?




  1. Paternity test, it's the only way your going to know for sure.

  2. Believe the girl and help her out, your son is probably just scared but should man up. Of course get a paternity test but I'm sure she realizes about these tests so why would she lie? What does she have to gain by it?

  3. in my books they both have legit answers but i would belive the ex cause think about it, alo of teens guys are doing that these days getting girls pregnant and saying it wasnt them and also has he told you why he broke up with her?

  4. well who are you gonna beileve, your own flesh and blood that you raised and gave birth to, or just some girl

  5. ooooohhhh every parents worst nightmare,

    i would go see her parents, as they are proberly feeling pretty rubbish now also, if she chooses to have it then a paternity test would need to be done, stay two sided and imagine she were your daughter, why did he break up with her as soon as she told him? and if they had never had s*x why did she tell him? surely she would not think that he thought it miraculasly appeared... come on they are 16, thats pretty grown nowdays. i think a meeting with all concerned is a good idea as it would be unwise to start off badly in the beggining as if it is his you will lose out on a grandchild x*x good luck x*x

  6. To tell ya the truth, he is probably lying to you because he doesn't want a kid or doesn't want to get in trouble. I was also 16 one time and when major things went down there was no way I was ever going to tell what really happened. He is 16 and probably HAS had s*x several times by now but don't get angry if he does come forward and tell you the truth, just be supportive because this will be a very hard and trying time to come. You know he knows the truth.  Keep your head high.

  7. if anything i would support the girl through her pregnancy. they can do a paternity test before the baby is born. they would do an amniocentisis and compare the dna of the baby with that of your son. i know he is your child and you want to believe him, but you cant just shun his ex. what if that baby is your grandchild? dont you want to see the first sonogram pictures and get that call whether to buy pink or blue? remember that they are both young and your son is probably terrified at the prospect of being a father, if in fact he is.

  8. Make him tell you. He NEEDS to tell the truth, otherwise that poor girl has to raise a baby on her own. Also, it seems somewhat unfair that he broke up with her, just because she's pregnant.

    If all else fails, you should get a DNA done when the baby is born.

    Also, if they hadn't slept together, why would the girl tell him in such a casual manner? She'd be honest that she cheated.

  9. check in his room for any condoms/ and lube / brocken condoms any signs of sexual play and if you are really woriied you could take somthing from him or somthing that he really likes and say i give it back to you if you tell me the truth.

  10. a DNA test. i hope every think works out ok :]

  11. Give you son the benefit of doubt before anyone else until he is proven wrong.

  12. well it could be either way but I would think that if you brought him up well that he would be man enough to at least admit it if he did. maybe you should sit down with your son and tell him that you won't be angry with him if he did. Tell him that you would like to help him get through the situation which I'm sure you do

  13. That girl is just trying to find a victim for her evil sadistic games. She obviously thought your son was a prime target.

  14. As you are able, go ahead and support this girl.  Even if it turns out he's not the dad, she might have a legitimate reason for thinking he is the dad.  And then you can know for the rest of your life that you had the opportunity to make a difference in the life of someone in a very sticky situation.  What an incredible blessing!

    As far as your son goes...people do make mistakes, sometimes they really blow it.  So let him know that you love him deeply, but that you just aren't comfortable abandoning this girl when she is in a tough situation like this--that that is not what love does.  

    In nine months you may end up celebrating because your son told the truth.  Or you may end up celebrating the birth of your new grand baby.    

    Your situation is really difficult and I'm sure it'll stretch all of you.  All the best to you.

  15. DNA test!!!

  16. go on jerry springer

  17. You will have to wait until the baby is born and a DNA test is done.

  18. I dont think she would lie- she can be proven wrong and she probably wouldnt want to feel stupid. im sorry to say BUT the only way to find out is to wait until the birth of the baby. sit down with your son and just tell him that you wont be mad at him at all you just want him to be honest and tell you the truth =] i know you will be upset but PLEASE dont be mad. it will only make it much much worse on EVERYONE. help him and HER through this! it will be a tough time for everyone

  19. There are 3 sides to a story...hers , your sons, and the truth.  Sounds like he thinks he can say he didn't have s*x to stop you from getting mad...about the only thing that you are going to be able to do when the baby is born is insist on a DNA test.  You might want to explaing to your son that the test isn't wrong, and he better fess up as you will find out sooner or later.

  20. 16 year old guys are going to have s*x if given the opportunity. Period, end of story. So, if this girl is pregnant, be it with his baby or someone elses, it shows that shes willing to have s*x (meaning that she has at least once had s*x with him)

  21. id kinda believe the girl, why would she say they had s*x and that it was his baby if they haddent....really all u can do is wait and have DNA test done

  22. If he's the kind of person to breakup with her when she tells him she's pregnant then he's the kind to lie, sorry. Why would she tell him if there's no possibility it's his?

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