
I'm worried that I wont do well this semester in college. what are my options?

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I didn't do well last semester so over summer break I tried to rest. But now that Im back it seems too hard. I'm in an unfamiliar environment and away from family and friends. I also have twice the workload because of last semester. What can I do?




  1. Go talk to your academic adviser.  It's still early in the semester, so you probably have time to drop a course or two and still remain enrolled.  Decide which courses are most important and which you have time for.

  2. Take a reduce course load until you become comfortable in school. Seek all the tutoring help your school offers. Ask your classmates for help studying.

  3. Are you working on your major requirements or your general education requirements?

    If you are working on your general education requirements, and it's all too much, you may want to consider reducing your status to part time, so that you can take less classes - assuming of course your college allows that. If you need to take a full load for financial aid reasons, take two general education classes and two less mentally rigorous classes like dance or yoga. This will, of course, extend the time that you are in college, but what is more important to you, doing well or doing it all quickly? If it is doing it well, then you need to gauge your own personal abilities. I'm not someone who works well when overloaded, so I must face that fact and know that I am not a candidate for super quick college completion.

    If you are working on your major requirements and you are feeling this overwhelmed, you should consider changing majors. Really pick a major that interests you. An interesting major can make a large workload seem like a piece of cake.

    In the end, you have to really question yourself if this is the right time for you to be in college. Are you truly committed?? Would it hurt to take some time off and come back when you are?? Is the material really just too hard?? Where are the resources on your campus to help students deal with academic stress?? Do you think you will ever feel "familiar" in this college environment?? If not, perhaps consider transferring to a place you feel less stressful about. College is as much about learning about ourselves as it is about learning interdisciplinary subjects. Do an honest assessment of what is happening in your life, and you should be able to manage your schooling.

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