SGT. -OK, you head up the right flank and check out our path.
private goes over to the corner and pulls out a mirror and extends it and motions back an all clear.
SGT.-You relay back our coordinates and tell them to send two evac. choppers. HOOA!
PRIVATE 1 just stands there. waiting or the coordinates. sgt looks at him with a weird look.
SGT.-What are you waiting for!
PRIVATE 1-I don't have them. pfc has them.
PFC. -Yeah sarge!
SGT. -What what is our current position! Give it to PRIVATE 1
PFC.-20.345 Alpha Lima Charlie
PRIVATE 1 - checkpoint 1 this is checkpoint 2 do you copy.
CAPTAIN - go for checkpoint 1. over.
PRIVATE 1- Checkpoint 1 we're at 20.345 Alpha Lima Charlie. We are on the move, we are carrying dead and wounded. We need choppers to green smoke, I repeat green smoke. over.
Captain - checkpoint 2, copy that, green smoke. we're sending you a quick reaction evac. team to your location