
I'm writing a short story and need some info to make it sound more real

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Well, I've just come to the middle of my short story, but have got fixed up now due to my ignorance of the subject concerned. I've a character that has to commit suicide, but can't do so as is very much afraid about what will happen if he fails. So he searches for a way which ensures instant death and which isn't painful too. I thought of sleeping pills first, but that won't sound realistic as there're chances of being saved due to medical advancement. He also dislikes some other usual ways of committing suicide like setting himself to fire, jumping from terrace, lying down on a railway track, etc. as there too, you've chances of being saved. He doesn't wish to take any chance or any risk.

Can you suggest some way which ensures instant death and if any apparatus is needed, it shouldn't be too expensive (one of the reasons for the character's suicide is poverty) and should be something easily available in the market. If you suggest any medicine or chemical name, please give the correct spellings. Please provide detailed info. Thanks.




  1. Using a gun maybe?

    Morphine overdose (maybe he could snatch some from a hospital?)

    Injecting air into his vain (easy & basically free)

    Eating or injecting some sort of acid?

    Good luck, sounds like a cool story

  2. good question. if money is an issue he would have to steal a gun. i would also have to ask where this story takes place. he could claim to have a bomb and walk into a  police station or he could antagonize local drug lords into shooting him.. maybe even taking a nap on the freeway.

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