
I'm young but i really need help wit my pimples before skool. Any suggestions?

by  |  earlier

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ok I'm only 11 yrs. old but i have tons of pimples on my face. nd next thursday I'm starting middle school. i dont wanna the girl wit ugly pimples on her face nd i dont wanna be made fun of like last year(one girl that i hate said she would slap the pimples off my face). i really wanna get rid of them quick. any suggestions appropriate for a young girl like me???





  2. I'm 12 years old. and have a bit of skin colored acne on my face.

    and it bugged me. if its what i think, try clean & clear.

    its very convenient to get. but if its all red and sore and dry/flaky.

    get proactiv. or see a dermatologist.

    i got clean & clear and im so glad i did. i saw results in about a week or so.

  3. dont stress.

    go but an exfoliate. or some sort of face wash.

    drink lots of water.

    get enough sleep.

    stop touching your face and picking at it.

    wash your face regularly.

    and jsut take care of your skin

  4. Go to a place like CVS and buy Persa-Gel 10. It will get rid of your pimples very,very quickly. Put it on at night b4 you go to bed. ( CAUTION: When using this product make sure you always wear sunscreen outside!). I would also suggest getting somehting like a 3-step process cleanser. One more thing that helps is face mask, and the little strips you put on you r nose that get rid of black heads.

    Good luck!

  5. Calamine lotion has the same drying effect like toothpaste so you can apply it overnight and wash the next day. More such solutions at

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