
I'v been diagnosed with dyslexia i read well ,,but numbers mess me up, is this still dyslexia?

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i have good comprehension,,though a small amout of trouble spelling,,what really messes me up is math i flip numbers consantly, i never made it past 5th grade math,,is there another possable diagnosis?,,for example today i had to reschedule an apointment because i thought it was on the 9th at 8. i do math excersises to try & help but it doesnt seem to help much.




  1. My 9 year old daughter has exactly the same problem, allthough har comprehension is good, d becomes b and 9 and 5 are often written backwards. Its been spotted early and fortunately here in NZ there is heaps of free remedial options within the school system. It was diagnosed as dyslexia, although mild

  2. My husband has the same thing. h**l, I just found out that I was Bi-Polar. There is no shame in this. It is part of your genetic make up. I patiently help my husband with this, and his little misunderstandings. He has gotten a lot better. Keep up the practice and you will get better at #'s as time moves on.  Do you have somebody that regularly helps you out? I know that it is a very personal issue, but you need a close friend/ family member to possibly help you. I help  with his spelling and check his #'s for him whenever  I notice something is back wards or out of its place. God Bless You. If you need my help, Please look me up.

  3. "dyslexia" covers a variety of disorders. see the wikipedia article for more details.

  4. Dyslexia is a term for having learning disabilities that make it difficult to learn to read.

    You probably have dyscalculia which means learning disabilities that make it difficult to learn math. Yours seems like a visual processing deficit or a visual motor integration deficit which means what you see is not processed correctly, but is scrambled or reversed.

  5. I would ask the person who diagnoised you

  6. I believe what you are describing is called dyscalculia - check out these websites I have posted to better understand the condition.

    It is described as a lesser known learning disability that affects mathematical calculations.  

    Best of luck in the future with this - I hope you find the answers and help you are looking for.

  7. You may benefit by looking for an education professional that has dyslexia expertise.  I think there are certain exercises (not math problems) that help with this somewhat.

  8. Its numerical dyslexia. i have it worse than reading.

  9. yes that is still dislexia. reading well and stuff doesn't have much to do with dislexia. it's just the fact that you mix things up and read them differently and stuff. like you flip numbers as you said you do. that is a prime example.

  10. Dyslexia doesn't have much to do with comprehension, its the flipping around and numbers usually is the problem area.  Try writing a _ under the numbers when writing so when you read your schedule later it may alleviate the issues.

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