
I've ALWAYS Wanted To Be A Cheerleader/ Poms but.... HELP please!!?

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I've always wanted to be a cheerleader but, I am a plus size girls. I've been one since my whole life, it runs in the family. What can I do to loose weight or something so I can be a cheerleader/in cheerleading/poms?? I used to go to gymnastics when I was in like 5th/6th/7th grade, but then I got out of that. I'm a girly, preppy girl, and I'm energetic, I can kick to about my neck, and touch my foot. What Can I do to loose weight or something do I can be a Cheerleader/in cheerleading/poms?? Anything Will Help!

p.s. I eat healthy.

p.s.s i was a cheerleader for halloween last year.




  1. Well exercise would be one and also if you arent that overwieght just look it im sure you could do it as long as you can do all the tricks and flips and stuff (the only problem would be if your 2 heavy to throw in the air) I know of a chearleader who is one of the main ones in this chearleading group who is a bit overweight and sooooooo ugly but she still made it so maybe you can!!!

  2. Nobody has the right to tell you you have to be skinny to be a pom dancer.

  3. Take up tumbling classes they will help you to prepare for cheerleading and whip you into shape. Dont do any crash diets because, you will gain the weight back just as fast as you lose it . Eat healthy don't eat any "diet" foods. If you walk around you neighborhood three times a week you'll also see a difference

  4. just do regular exercise. like running. but if you don't wanna do that (i hate running but i have to for volleyball :\  )   you can do situps and pushups everyday. also do leg throw downs. like lay on the floor and hold onto somethin that won't move and pull ur legs all the way up then slowly drop them. keep doing this. hope this helps :D

  5. Do all American people have cheerleaders? I live in Australia and I have an American friend that lived in Ohio, and she hated cheerleaders. i find it fascinating lol, cos' it's just like on acutal American movies lol. And I think you can do anything you like- your looks shouldn't influence on what you can and can't do. Go ahead and try! What's the worst that can happen?

  6. Drink water and talk with your doctor about a healthy way to loose weight.

  7. You can be a plus-size cheerleader!!!

    Especially if you are/were a gymnst!

    It will be very hard to loose weight if it runs in the family, but try as hard as you can without not eating!!

    Or you could do a squad that you do not have to try out for, then people will see that you have skills and want you on higher squads.

    Hope I could help ya:]]

  8. really? a cheerleader for halloween? i guess its only appropriate

  9. Running and exercising would help a lot that is what I do and have lost a lot of weight...okay maybe not a lot of weight but some. Also, that's good that you know gymnastics because they use that in cheer leading. Oh and also your voice can't be quiet it has to be loud so the audience can hear what your saying. Hope that helps you.  

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