
I've Been Embarrased Publicly What Should I do?

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So I was on vacation with some friends a while ago and i got a little drunk at a club and i sorta gave a lap dance to Baron Davis, the NBA player. Well one of my friends took pictures and Im not sure who or how but the pics ended up on one of those popular gossip sites bc a friend of mine told me last night they saw it.....what should i do, contact the website or what? They seem to have other pics of people with celebs and didnt do anything about it




  1. they probably dont know who you are. jsut a mystery girl. just leave it. dont think about it. it'll pass. =)

  2. Just smile and live with it. A few years from now you will look back on it and think differently about the situation.

  3. If that's even you, your face isn't even shown, so no problemsss

  4. i would try to contact the webmaster of that site but if they refuse to help you i would try to act like it never happened

  5. Ahh...well theres only one thing to see once i was embarrased publicly. you see one day i was at the mall and i tripped down 3 flights of stairs, but dont worry. i was ok. just scarred on the inside. so there was only one choice. to never leave my house. so i dont. i stay inside. its pretty fun. i go shopping online, or on tv. i have a excercise room inside, i have a movie theatre, that shows all the latest movies, i have a dance floor. and lots of other cool places in my home. i even have a room that looks like its outside. but its not! this is exactly what you should do.  

    help please!;...

  6. claim it lol,

    they cant see your face in the pics and they called you a cutie pie, not like your getting called a s**t. suck it up you did it, face the consequences.  

  7. they are just jelous that you got to lap dance a famous guy lol

    but i would defenitly contact the website

  8. Can't even see your face, your fine.  Stop doing stuff like that have a little more respect for yourself.  The popular gossip site? I think the title says it all.  

  9. To be embarrassed publicly, first it would have to be in public. The photos do not show your face, first of all. The site doesn't list your name, secondly. Thirdly, I think you are full of c**p because nobody I know that is "publicly embarrassed" about some pictures would post a link to them for a whole new audience to see in the manner that you have done.

  10. What's the big deal?  Face isn't even shown.  That could be my grandmother for all its worth.

  11. move to antartica

  12. too late.  It will only be cared about for  maybe 48 hours, then noone will care

  13. If your face cannot be seen, there is nothing much you can do.

  14. Get some morals? Maybe not be so easy for anyone with a rubber ball?

  15. honestly... i dont think the sight will take it off. if he is famous then you should have known it was going to end up on a website.  

  16. You call this a public embarrassment, yet you post the link to the pictures so we can all see it.  I think you are proud of it and are trying to tell the world.  It is simply a sad and pathetic attempt at getting attention.

  17. You should delete this question and the link to keep yourself from further embarrasment.

  18. Maybe you'll learn a lesson! If you put yourself out there drunk and lap dancing then this is what u deserve! Too bad for the NBA player. Why are you mentioning his name?  Sorry no sympathy here!

  19. quit drinken  

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