
I've about to get dumped?

by  |  earlier

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I know he's the one you know

I just know and we both still really love each other.

It hurts like h**l ALL the time. How can i feel better?

P.S ive never been dumped before




  1. 1.) There's no such thing as "the one".

    2.) If he's going to dump you, then obviously he's not "the one"....

    3.) Everyone goes through breakups.  You're obviously very young still.  I'd focus on making a life for yourself before you worry about who's going to share it with you forever and ever...

    4.) It hurts because you're emotionally attached.  Stay away from the guy for a while and your emotions will fade.  Emotions are caused by chemicals in your bloodstream that are released by certain triggers.  He's the trigger.  The longer you stay away, the longer you'll go without releasing these chemicals and you'll stop feeling as strongly for him - it's science.

  2. Well I believe that all love hurts sometimes and that its always worth giving it your all to see how you will go.

    a lot of people on here will tell you to 'find someone new, you deserve better' - but truthfully if you want it, no matter what you are going through you can only give them your heart and see what happens.

    just remember hun that you can live through what ever happens and that life is long, and some people cross your paths more than dont be afraid to let them go for a while.

    good luck

  3. Hey, we are both in the same exact position. I just broke it off with my Bf like 2 week ago and it hurts because since the day I have graduated I have never been one day without contact with him. And we spend lots of time together like on weekends ans stuff. And when I met him I was like wow lord he like the guy I would love to have as my husband. And it just felt like it was it. But the best way to move on is just to put away all things that remind you of him. And just go out with friends and just put one some dance music. And with time it will begin to heal. I know its hard and it hurts but if you keep yourself busy you'll see how little by little it will begin to help. If its meant to be it will all work out.Stay strong. Hope that's helps.

  4. talk to him about how your feeling;...

  5. he ur 1st bf?????Sit and talk it out together and clear out any misunderstandings....gud luck(if u want, email me at

  6. If he's the one, he wouldn't dump you.

    Therefore, he's not.

  7. I know it feels like he's the one but if he really is the one, then you wouldn't feel like you're about to be dumped. I suppose the only thing that can make you feel better about the situation is, if you're not dumped yet, you can dump him first. But before acting irrationally and dumping your boyfriend, you should really think about what's happening. Are you absolutely sure that he's going to leave you?

  8. Why are you getting dumped?

    If you are getting "dumped" and not breaking up on a mutual agreement..

    He doesn't love you and he's not the one.

    The one is out there though.

    Just relax and look at the positive things in life.

    Boyfriends/ girlfriends most often come and go.

    Unless you get lucky.. I mean.. LUCKY.

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