
I've accidentally burned my right arm i spilt hot cooking oil how can i cure the burn i'm using ice now?

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I've accidentally burned my right arm i spilt hot cooking oil how can i cure the burn i'm using ice now?




  1. Ice won't help. The burn will leave a scar and you will be in pain for a while. Go to a pharmacist and go get some burn cream to try to reduce scarring.

  2. Place your burnt area under cold running water until the burning subsides, do not dry the skin, wrap the effected area in cling film & get some one to drive you to your nearest A&E department asap.

    Your burn needs to be examined by a health professional & should not be left to chance.

    Good Luck. X :-)

  3. Keep the ice on it for awhile ... actually, dunking your arm in a bowl or pan of ice water is better. Take it out if it gets too cold, then put it back in.

    The best things for burns is DO NOTHING, or at least very little. If it makes a blister, keep them clean and dry, do not pop them (they are keeping it sterile in there), and use a small amount of antibiotic ointment to keep the skin over the blister flexible.

    Cover it with a "non-stick" dressing held on by a gauze wrap, gently wrapped.

    New skin is forming under the blister. Then the fluid will get absorbed, leaving a thick leathery patch of skin. Do NOT pick at this. It will eventually peel off like a callus and you have brand new skin. Use a sunscreen on that new skin or it will tan too much and leave a dark splotch.

    If it's so deep there is no blister, you need a doctor, but not necesarily an ER. Keep it clean and covered, with some antibiotic ointment on it, until you see the doctor

  4. You could also look into getting some Aloe Vera Gel. It will help you not to scar and also stop the burning.

    Then you could wrap your arm with gauze to keep it on.

    Make sure to keep the burn clean though.

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