
I've added someone as a moderator but she is unable to approve messages. Why?

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I'm the owner and added a second person to be a moderator. She is sent emails to approve but when she clicks on the link to go to the website to approve the message this is what she sees:

You are not a moderator of the group *aauwfreehold*. She does have a yahoo email but that yahoo email is not in this particular yahoo group. Help!




  1. go look and be sure that person lists as a moderator in themembers list- if they don't have a yahoo Account, to my understanding being a moderator they cant do much-

    How do I make someone a moderator of my group?

    From the list on the left, click Members and locate the member on the Members page.

    Click Edit Membership.

    A little way down, click Change to Moderator.

    Click on the Make Moderator button to confirm.

    How do I set moderator privileges?

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