
I've always wonder what next?what happens after u die?Do u sleep forever or can u see ur love ones from above?

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In your best opinion what do you think?




  1. My belief is there is a 'place' somewhere. I also believe we can see our loved ones who have preceeded us and those we have left behind.

  2. I think that reincarnation is a possibility.

    But who knows? maybe it's completely out of our imagination, something that would only happen in Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy.

  3. what i personally believe is that, you go on a journey after you pass until judgement day to gods castle. But you will be with your loved ones.

  4. it's a bit dreadful. let's start  when u die,u don't know it

    and when others come around u and cry u wonder why they r crying and after that when they bring u to bury  they put u on the floor thrice  to reduce the fear  when they r carryin u u wonder "lest i'm dead!!!!!!"

    and when they put u down on the floor  u think u r not dead and u take a sigh of relief  and it is repeated  3 times  then they put u there down inside  and put soil on u  and when u r all alone  u find u r DEAD the first night of DEATH

    it's very famous.u know why? cuz in this night something horrible happens Pressure on u suddenly becomes so much that the milk u drank from ur mom's breast when u were a child will come out of ur nails. all of that  THAT IS HOW GREAT IT IS!  and then  someone comes to u and says  "we were three things for u before ur death":

    1."ur food and drink that is gone after ur dead"

    2."ur family that r gone and left u behind"

    3."and ME that i'm the only one among these three things that stays with u forever"  "NOTICE that I was the least valuable among these things" and u know what that is?  "UR BEHAVIOR "and there r much more to say,but useful only when u wanna pay attention to.then u will be brought to a world called"barzakh"which means "between two worlds".there,u will talk to God and angels and u will see the things u've done and u can even talk to them!!

    and u will live in a virtual h**l or heaven-dependin on ur behavior.and then judgment-day comes up and people on earth hear a voice which shakes the world ans then all of the creatures faint but the ones God wants like prophets.

    and then the sky and floor and all the things in between change and turn into their best shape for this day.

    and then again the voice shakes the worl and all the human being wake up and they r prepared for the last part.

    there's a book that all the things done by all the people is written in and angels,prophets and body parts like skin,tongue ,... start talkin about the thing we've done!

    and then our manner will be analyzed according to the measurement of justice and then u know if u go to heaven or h**l.h**l has 7 doors and heaven has 8 doors-each suitable for a special group of people...

    So,come back to ur heart to see what u've done and ask to be forgiven before it's too late

  5. None of us can tell you, because none of us are dead. It all depends on what you believe in.

  6. The spectacle of death and glimpses beyond the grave, a well-written and compiled text on the subject.

    Your question requires a book to answer it.  I'll direct you to a few more places;...


  7. It is interesting that you post this question on a dream site. Maybe you sense that the dreamer is not the body, but a living entity inside the body that uses it in much the same way as we use a car for instance. The first evidence in support of such a view is that we have many dreams in which we drive a car and then find that in waking we are in control of our life, we know where we are going. On the other hand when we dream that we are in the back-seat we will in waking life behave like back-seat drivers.

    Another item the dream identifies us with is the house. It has been discovered that when we dream that there is something wrong with our house such as a plumbing problem, there will be something wrong with our urinary tract for instance.

    This and the car analogy show that the dream regards our human body as our house, our housing or our vehicle with which we go through life.

    This notion has been underpinned by the Near Death Experience (NDE) for which there our thousands of testimonials. When our body is about to die as it happens often on the operating table in hospitals, the soul or spirit leaves the body and hovers just below the ceiling. The sceptics argue that this experience is fabricated by the dying mind. This has now been fully refuted by the Pam Reynolds case which demonstrated once and for all that the body can be clinically dead, yet the ‘dead person’ will be conscious of everything that is happening on the operating table. In the Pam Reynolds case the woman was clinically dead for 90 minutes. There was no pulse, no heartbeat, no brainwaves. There was total flat line and no brain wave activity was recorded on the electroencephalograph. Yet after the operation, during which the patient’s temperature had been reduced to 60 degrees Fahrenheit and the blood drained, the patient’s etheric body or soul or spirit returned to the body. Pam noted that returning to the body was like plunging into a pool of ice! Then, after the operation she amazed all the doctors and staff with an accurate description of what had been done to her. She also described the electric saw that had been used to open her head which was of a totally new design; much like an electric toothbrush, as the patient noted.

    This case shows all the sceptics that it was not the brain that manufactured what she saw, but that the etheric body or soul watched it all and was able to remember it and report it.

    With this in mind we can now go to the researches by the Australian hypnotist Peter Ramster. He studied many cases of reincarnation. The most impressive case he described was that of Mandy I and Mandy II. A girl in England was killed in an accident and then buried. About 10 months later the parents of Mandy had another girl which they also called Mandy. When Mandy II was between two and three years old she said that she was buried in the nearby cemetery. The parents, in total disbelief took her to the cemetery asking the girl to show her grave. She went straight to it. Of course she was unable to read the grave stone, yet she pointed at the exact grave where Mandy I had been interred.

    In addition to this Mandy II said that on the day of the funeral it had been raining and that mother had slipped and almost fell into the grave. As well as that she said that her little cousin had slipped a ball into her coffin; this was later confirmed by the cousin since the parents did not know this and would at first not believe it.

    Now we come to the question if we see our loved ones again; or indeed Jesus and angels. There are a host of NDE patients who have testified that they met their deceased loved ones. Others come to an unearthly garden where they are filled with feelings of bliss and see a wonderful light. Some will see this light as they travel through a dark tunnel. And when they come close to the source of the light they are often met with a spirit guide or they hear a voice that tells them that it is not yet time to stay and that they have to return to earth.

    Christians will see angels or Jesus, while Buddhists will meet Buddha and so on. In other words you will go to a ‘place’ or rather a state that is a direct continuation of your earthly life. This is in keeping with our earthly existence where we may have a life in different countries and under different circumstances. What is the most common experience however is the light. This makes the spirit of the deceased ecstatically happy. However there are also unpleasant transitions where the dying person is experiencing torment and pain. Again this is according to the person’s present state of enlightenment and predisposition.

    A very common result of NDE’s is that those who have ‘died’ and come back to earth have lost their fear of death. This is only logical for they now know that there is NO DEATH of the spirit, but only of the body.

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