
I've always wondered. Everyone says that all other countries hate the U.S. Who are our allies and enemy's?

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Whos on teams? I've heard theres these countries that would team up against us:




Who has our backs?




  1. iran, syria, north korea , china, russia all are our enemies!

    and our allies are britta, most of urope, canada mexico

  2. britin, France, japan, and other countries

  3. Having your back means unconditional.

    You and me against the world.

    Wahoo:  Bush didn't do this.  I lived abroad before Bush and it was the same thing.  What's ashame is that so many Americans are gullible -- Oh, my mistake, you're Canadian.  Take your hatemongering somewhere else.

  4. It is a shame that the politicians of any country make a bad impression on the rest of the world and so the citizens of that country have to suffer the consequences by being the targets of hate and mistrust.  

    Journalist of the world portray politicians of USA  with a  better than you attitude and in your face sarcasm.   The States does have a reputation of a school yard bully.  They come on bigger than life in what ever it is they it sports, Hollywood, political science, war, aiding  the underdogs of the world.  They are in the spot light most of the time for one thing or another, while the rest of the world go on about their business and carry on with life.  Let's face it gang...the citizens of any and all countries all want the same thing...a good life, a good family structure, freedom to come an go in their everyday routines with out having to dodge bullets or bombs.  To be able to watch their children grow up, become educated and start a family.  It is the politicians and the journalists that plant the seeds of contempt and and mistrust among the citizens of any country. 'Tis a shame but that is the bare facts.

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