
I've become shy, for no apparent reason?

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I used to be shy when i was young (about 4-10 years old) and i got over it.

Now I'm 16 and I'm experiencing random shyness and low self confidence and I've been very quiet.

It may be because of smoking green?

Can anyone recommend something i can do to build my self confidence again? I'm quite worried about it.




  1. Building self-confidence is not hard.  The mid to late teen years are like an emotional roller-coaster ride.  The first step(or the first rc hill) is the worst but most important!

    First, stop smoking!!! Second, do something that you would like to do that you feel okay with doing(something safe).

    You can do just about anything you set your mind to do.  The more you do it, the better it should make you feel inside.  

  2. dump the weed. I have always been shy ( no weed ) but if the shynes startin with the drugs thats ur problem. Not to say its easy to quit or judging u just making observation

  3. This is for Cody. I checked out your website. It looks very nice. However, it states....because you've started your search, this now puts you in the top 95% of the population...

    I think you need to change that statistic.

    Nice looking site though.

  4. Yeah, smoking weed isn't going to help probably.  I have a site that deals with building confidence and self esteem, have a look it might be helpful, if not there are links to other helpful sites, good luck.


    You will get over your weakness/bad habits and develop good ones.

    Your self confidence improves.

    Do what you are good at. You will feel great. Carry over the same feeling to new tasks and accept the challenges. You will feel better and better in proportion to the achievements.

    I. Learn Transcendental Meditation. You will be provided with a 'sound' to think about. This will be specially chosen by a trained master, the one suitable to your physiology. Be regular and reap the benefits.


    II. Learn to draw from the Sun.

    Wake up early, half an hour before sunrise and do some stretching and have a bath.

    Gaze at the soft rising Sun for 10 mins (later increase to 20 mins). Try not to blink, with practice. Close the eyes and for 5-10 mins observe your third/inner eye--the point between your eye brows. Now set you goals and get empowered day by day.

    After a few days of regular practice, you can see a light at the third eye.

    Good Luck

  6. First of all shyness may just show that you have a more introverted personality.  Shyness and introversion are not the same thing, but people with introverted personalities are often times shy.  It is very common.  

    When you say you're experiencing random shyness and low self confidence, it is important to look at the situation in which it occurs.  If this shyness is occurring in social situations such as a loud house party (which I'm guessing is the case) with lots of new people, then it is perfectly natural for you to be shy.  However, if you are overcome by shyness and low self confidence buying a bag of chips at the grocery store, then it would be a cause for concern.  

    Unless you've been lighting up since you were 10, smoking probably isn't biologically a huge contributor to your problem.  Although psychologically/socially, you may not want other people to know about it, so you become more quiet.

    As far as rebuilding your self confidence, I would stick to social situations in which you are comfortable.  Then once your self confidence is back up, you can branch out into new social situations.  Worrying about it will only make you feel less confident, which in turn would make you worry more.  

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