
I've been all over the internet and can't find?

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how to contact a cousin of mine: Reese Lindbergh. Does anyone know of a website where I can find lost relatives, or do I need to go serious I don't have the time for research. Her dad was my uncle Charles. Anyone with the knowledge of the family?




  1. shows an "R" Lindbergh in Kansas City, Missouri in the late 1990's (and in San Rafael, California in the mid-90's).

    I've checked the message boards on Ancestry, and Reese's name is not out there.

    I tried (a free service), and the "R" above may be a man named Ray...  can't tell for sure.

    Then I did a Google search and found her name is actually spelled Reeve, surely this must be the right lady?  Here's a YouTube video of her giving a talk:

    I also found at the above YouTube site that she is an author, and I see she is making appearances through Simon Schuster, her publisher.  Here's a link:

    I would suggest looking further to see if you can reach her through her publisher...  Or check out some of her books from the library, to see the "author bio" at the end of the book...

    I did go back to Zabasearch after all that, and found no listing...

    I hope that helps!

  2. If you have a rough idea where they live then use the web site below.  

    Good luck and good hunting

  3. do you know an old street name for her or school or work place try friends reunited its now free.

  4. Since your time is so short to do research, then you have to PAY for the research and that means

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