
I've been asked to teach science at a private school for high functioning autistic students grades 7-12.Help?

by Guest65969  |  earlier

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I've been asked to teach science at a private school for high functioning autistic students grades 7-12.Help?




  1. What do you need help with? Do you have training as a teacher? Do you have training in special education? Um...what was your question again?

  2. I'll take a swing at this one.  I worked with low-mid functioning autistic adult men for several years.  Then later with higher functioning teenagers.  My advice comes in a single word...and i'll scream it....PATIENCE!!!  Your patience will be tried, you will be pushed to your breaking point, and you will break... then the love will come out of you.  Be strong, remember your training, and remember that autism is a lonely existence, and try to be the friend and mentor that these young people need.

  3. There are plenty of online resources available to help you: is one such resource. Medical journals are another.

    Inform yourself of the essentials about autism and work from there.

  4. Careful with private schools.  Though they pay better their  benefits are way behind public schools.

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