
I've been banned from my favorite website/forum/game/chat. What do I do?

by  |  earlier

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Tips,to get unbanned ur ID




  1. You stop behaving foolishly and stop breaking rules. Then you won't get banned.

    Good luck

  2. find a new place and don't break the rules.

  3. How do I get unbanned?

    There are a variety of methods to banning someone from a website, forum, game or chat. Some of the common methods and solutions are listed blow. In general your best option to remove a ban is to humbly apologize for your actions which lead to you being banned in the first place.

    Banned by IP address

    -If you are banned only via your IP address you can go ahead and attempt to change your IP address.

    -Banned by cookie

    Using your browser clear your cookies.

    -Banned by unique token

    Many online games have a unique token that is passed during online gaming. This token is often related directly or indirectly to the CD (install) key included with the game when it's purchased. Only by uninstalling and reinstalling with a new CD key will get you around being banned. This type of ban may also include websites that require specific plug-in applications such as Flash. You would want to uninstall any of these plug-ins and reinstall them. This *may* allow you to get passed this type of ban.

    -Banned by common information

    Some websites will ban other accounts (or new accounts) with related personal information such as email address, passwords, credit card number, physical address, etc. When eBay shuts down accounts they seem to shut down any other accounts with related information. The only way around such a ban is to create a new account with *none* of the same information.

    -Banned by multiple above

    Some methods of banning may include one or more of the above so we'd suggest that you do as much as is reasonable from the above solutions.

  4. Live with it .

  5. Stop breaking Yahoo! rules. Now you must create a new Yahoo! ID to join your favourite website, forum, game, and chat. You are banned because you break Yahoo! rules. While you use your new ID, wait for the old ID to be unbanned.

  6. You have to sign up with a different e-mail address and maybe change your ID slightly,maybe add a number or 2 at the end or beginning or something.

  7. Depends on how you got banned some are temparary and some are permanent.if you got banned permanently you shouln't have done what you did.

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