
I've been breastfeeding my daughter for 6 months now [Please help breastfeeding moms]?

by Guest31710  |  earlier

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I have alot of pressure from my mother and other people to stop after 6 months and I think it may be the reason why I feel discouraged.

My mom keeps saying I look awful [I use to be a size 2 and now size 12] and calling me fat. It really hurts and brings me down. My husband keeps looking at other women and I just hate the way I look right now but I know my daughter's health is most important.




  1. Hi, I am a 17 year old mother and I breast fed my daughter for 13 months. My plan was to stop at 6 month, but I wanted my daughter to be healthy. My friends thought that breast feeding was weird and didn't want nothing to do with. I was strong and knew that my daughters health is more important then some stupid friends. My mom thought that I would get small breast when I was done and wanted me to stop. My daughter came first. My daughter had one ear infection, and one cold. The bond that I had with my daughter is something that I wish I could go back to (sometimes). So take advantage of every moment that you spend with your baby until she starts to spill juice all over your brand new clothes, and starts to tell you no.

    Just know that when your done you will lose the weight that you gain and have a healthy baby. So you can look at a hot guy who walks by and your husband can know how it feels. ha ha ha

    Positive, and happy attitude about your self means a happy and confident baby.  

  2. I breastfed for 7 months and it was a great experience, don't let anyone take that away. What I don't understand is what your weight has to do with it? Breastfeeding actually burns a ton of calories! Make a three day journal of what you are eating and then analyze it carefully, you may be taking in more calories than you need, or maybe your food choices are not that healthy, but I agree with continuing to breastfeed, I wish I had done it longer.

  3. i totally understand where u are coming from. i gave up breast feeding at 6 months and if i have another child i wouldnt give it up so early. i gave it up because i wanted to go on a diet and get back into shape as well. my husband also made comments as well. You have to do what u think is best and ignore everyone else. As long as you are eating healthy and exercising the weight with come off whether u are feeding or not. its not like you will be feeding forever, there is plenty of time to get back into shape. tell ur mum to back off and tell your husband how u are feeling, he should understand and comfort you as it is his child u are caring for. good luck

  4. you are right..your daughters health is the most important. you will have more time for your self soon. I would breast feed until she is at least 15 months..I was a size 2 and I am a size 9 right now..I don't feel like I used to that's for sure..but all that matters to me is my little girl..who cares what you mom are you husband is doing..they will get over it!!! take care.

  5. Typically, studies have shown that breastfeeding women tend to lose weight more rapidly than their formula feeding counterparts. (Bradshaw & Pfeiffer, 1988, Kramer et al 1993, Dewey et al 1993) In one study breastfeeding mothers were back to their pre-pregnancy weight by six months, whereas the formula feeding women were not. (Kramer et al 1993)

    So I'm confused about how your extra weight is related to your breastfeeding. You can be fit and breastfeeding, there's no reason to let your own health suffer! Baby is important and breastfeeding is the BEST for baby, no doubt, but it's important to take care of mommy too :-) You want to feel good about yourself and eat well and exercises to set a good example for your child.

  6. You might want to find yourself a breastfeeding support group, some friendly faces who will help encourage you and remind you why you are doing the right thing for your baby.

    It sounds like your mom needs a lesson in tact. It may be hard to ignore her but you might try the "pass the potatoes" type tactic.  Basically if the subject comes up, you make an committal comment and change the subject. If she gives you grief about breastfeeding you need to make it known that the subject isn't up for discussion (sometimes the "we discussed it with our ped and this is the best thing for us at this point" can help.)

    Losing weight and breastfeeding are not mutually exclusive btw.  

    I'm sorry you are dealing with such negative people in your life and hope that you can find peace with yourself no matter what size you are.

  7. my mother didn't breastfeed, neither did my mother-in-law, and they both gave me a little slack with each of my four kids when I breastfed. It came down to: this is my baby, I know what's right for him/her, you had your way with me now it's my turn! 1st child breastfed until 10 mos., 2nd child until 15mos, 3rd child 9 mos ( got  pregnant), 4th child had to have formula, he was a lazy eater. You do what's right for you and that baby!  Good luck!

  8. OM Goodness it is horrible for your family is not supporting you through this. You have made a wonderful decision, one that will bring a lifetime of benefits to your perfect little girl. You are right, your baby's health is most important. And what does being a size 12 have to do with breastfeeding anyway? Don't worry about that right now, be strong, ignore the people that are bringing you down and continue to give your daughter the best. It is recommended that one breastfeeds for at least a year. I breastfed my oldest for 17 months and my youngest just weaned himself at 20 months. Be strong and do what you feel is best for you and your baby, dear, it will be worth it.

  9. i hear ya sister! my baby is 8 months old and now my mom is saying "its ok to stop breastfeeding now" and telling me that one year is definitely a cut off because someone at her work told her. I just smile and change the subject. I will BF until my daughter decides to stop. you are doing a GREAT job. tell everyone to go fly a kite.

    I actually might show my mom some breastfeeding sites. type in benefits of breastfeeding in the search engine, that might shut some people up!

  10. I know how you feel. I was 112 and now I am 133. You are right, you can only give your baby this nutrition right now. You have the rest of your life to get into shape and a size 2 again. Just focus really hard on getting back to the "old you" when YOU decide to stop nursing. I stopped at 5 months!

  11. i personally had to stop not by choice but bc i had no more milk and that was when he was 1 mo.

    dont worry about how u look. seriously keep on going. i wish i could of have.

    and tell ur mom to mine her own business u just want to do wats best for ur daughter and about ur husband tell him to have some respect for u and his daughter.  

  12. dont get down. ive also told myself i wont exercise until I'm done breastfeeding.  not that i ever did much of that to begin with.  i eat all the time to try and keep my milk supply up. i went from a size 2 to a size 8.  i put on 40 extra pounds with this kid, and never lost it.  most people used to tell me that you loose the baby fat after you breastfeed, it never happened to me.. yet.. i think your right, breastfeeding is most important, besides its not like your going to breastfeed forever.  

  13. You need to tell your mother to change her tone towards you or leave! She has no right to put you down like that.

    As for your husband. He should know better too.

    Your doing the best thing for your daughter and you. If they can't be supportive then they need to step out of your way.

    You do whats best for you and your daughter. No reason to do anything different. If you are happy nursing. Then keep it that way.

    You can be healthier with more pounds. The being too skinny.

    I am happy with my weight. I eat healthy and get out as much as I can. All 4 of my kids are 100% worth the change that occured in my body.

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