
I've been calling prospective clients to ask how to submit a quote on office cleaning? IS there a better way?

by  |  earlier

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I am a college student running an ofice cleaning business on my own.

This is my common script I use when placing a cold call:

"Hi, I'm calling today to inquire the process I need to go through to submit a quote or bid on Office cleaning?".

I usually get No's, No thanks or the very rare hangup. Usually, they tell me they are all set with the company they have right now and are not interested in finding new cleaners at this time. How can I increase my chances of making the "prospective client" that I am cold calling seem interested? I am fairly new to the business so obviously I don't have hi tech machines or money resources, but I have experience in the field(nearly two years) and many more years cleaning(about 7 or so). What can I do to have more success when cold calling?




  1. Try posting on craigslist. Create a website if possible to direct people to. I  use

    Try a small business that just opened or is about to. Look for places that are renting office space and post a noticable ad outside the space. Try asking business' that are not in your area for advice. They won't have any threat since you are not in their local area and pose no competition.

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