
I've been criticized of been shallow, ok, i am, so what can i do about it?

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Someone told me I was "soooo empty", "nauseatingly shallow and superficial", and I know I am, and I aknowlege the fact that I'm also a bit hypocritical, but well, that's my way of survival in my social circles

If it is so wrong, what can be done to "not be so shallow", wear rags and look like freak?(see, even that sounds shallow)




  1. You become less shallow by investigating life more and by taking all life seriously. You make a study of people,and learn as much as you can about them.  You cultivate virtues such as courage, forbearance,

    compassion and courtesy. Travel around the world - if you do this as a learning experience, you will definitely be deeper upon your return. Remember, shallow people can be charming, but deep people are interesting.

  2. You don't have to do anything.

    You can still have the same standards in women and the way you dress.

    Just try to be a little...more cultured.

    Listen to world events, read something that you never thought you'd try. Just get more knowledge about things that have nothing to do with how you live you life. Volunteer. Join a book club. Get into politics.

    Just do something that is cultured, and then no one can say you're shallow (even if you still have high standards for the women you date).

  3. Give me just one answer why I should care what you accept as you're way of survival?

    I am perfectly peaceful and amazingly respectful to every ones problematic feelings? Ask me why I care?

  4. When someone says you're shallow, that means you only care about superficial things, and things that are "in" -- like what you're wearing or what restaurants you're seen at (and if you're dating someone, you want people to SEE you with that person and be impressed).

    You care too much about what's popular or fashionable, instead of wearing what you actually LIKE or watching what's actually good on television or reading books and magazines without pictures of celebrities in them.

    In other words, STOP being a slave to things that "everybody else" does and wears.

  5. follow your conscience and be yourself try to do the right thing when it comes to decisions on anything including what you think about but just be yourself if your friends still hang out with you for what you are and they are able to put up wit it. only change when someone who loves you tells you to change but only change if you know they are right    

  6. Try to care about something other than yourself? Invest in your time into something worthwhile....put down the mirror, whatever you have to do.

  7. You - or people in general - being shallow is not about the clothes you wear. You must be very young. Grow up. Rearrange your priorities. Do change your social circles - if that's the way to survive in them. Pick a hobby. Go volunteer.  Good luck.  

  8. See, that's what they mean by being shallow.  Would wearing rags really make you a freak or someone who couldn't do any better.  It sounds like you put too much emphasis on what other people see and think instead of thinking on your own and doing and saying what you know is right.  Self-centered is another way of being shallow.  If you prefer to please yourself rather than thinking of others feelings you are shallow.  You can't think of things at face value.  You have to look further to see the truth.

  9. As you grow older, you'll begin to see what's truly important in life.  Your values will change - less black and white; the grey area will grow, and you'll likely see value in people whom you would otherwise shun.

  10. its great you realize the things that make you who you are, are not right to society, my fist step if i were you is to get involved, in anything that you fancy, pet adoption, sick kids, volunteer for anything you will have fun with, interacting with those less than yourself is eye opening. you social circle can effect your change either. you do not need to be the evil chick click than sits at the same table everyday, and laugh and poke at everyone else who's different, because you will not change, get a new hobby, learn a new trait, you need to open your life to others, stop giving yourself all of the time of day, you are not that special........ the truth hurts, and you need to stop being hypocritical and learn everyday is a ne day, you don't have to be perfect every time you wake up --- don't limit yourself by how you act, you are not that ugly of a person inside are you........... grow, and grow for the better.

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