
I've been doing an experiment today...?

by  |  earlier

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I was told by someone that there are fundies on Y!A and they're knee jerkers and hate mailers. I wanted to see what kind of thing was said so I've been pulling quotes from Mr Antony Pants and doing my best to get hate mail. It's not happened; are the fundies having a day off or am I just not trying hard enough?




  1. The right one just hasn't read your answers yet. I have gotten some hate mail and I don't even try.

  2. I've been blessed with Christian hate mail.  Usually in response to a difficult question that they can't answer.  

    Ask why it was alright to eat babies, but not pork in the OT and you'll get reported and hate mail for sure.  

  3. Perhaps you used to many big words? Try using simpler words and misspell them. That should do it.

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