This is the second dream I've had where I find myself having to go down steep rocky walls. The strange part of the dreams, is that instead of facing the wall and going down hand -foot, I am faced out, and sort of running down them.
I dont remember the other dream, and only remembered it because I had walked down a wall before.
This one was a very foggy place, where something inside the fog was going on that I didnt want to be a part of. The person with me. and I said we needed to get away. so we ran down the hill where there was a vendors stand so we would look like tourists. When we got to the vendor's stand, he ran down the wall, but it was to steep for me to run down it like in the last dream, so I slowly walked down it. He was there to catch me when I got to the bottom. I woke up after this, when I realized I was dreaiming and had done it before. Can you help me interpret this?