
I've been exposed to asbestos....?

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I dry-scraped about 200 vinyl-asbestos tiles without protection.

I'm really scared right now because of this. The worst part is that I won't know till 10-40 years from now if I will get cancer or anything.

I know now that I've been exposed to asbestos, I cannot get rid of it and my risk of getting disease or cancer has increased. I'm reaaaallllyyyy scared right now.

I really hope it's not as bad as I think.




  1. calm down dude. ppl are exposed to that stuff all the time. just chill out. there are ppl who are exposed to that for like 20 years and dont even know it. and they don't have cancer. if your worried go see a doc get some test done. and you wont have to worry anymore. there are tons of stuff in this world that raise the risk of getting cancer.

  2. I got exposed to asbestos back in the 60's and I'm still ok.  Just don't smoke and you will be fine.  The only thing you can do right now is get this documented so if you do in the future get some form of asbestos illness you can get someone to pay your medical bills.  This is a fact:  440,000 people die from tobacco products each year verses 10,000 asbestos deaths each year.

  3. 95% of people with maximum exposure (they worked around it for years and years) never have any problems.

    Smokers who worked around it (every day for many years) are the one's most likely to have any problems from it.

    As a person who is renovating an old house, the stuff was very common, and most of the people who installed it and stuff never had problems. Learn more about it, how to identify it, and who to call next time. 99% of the time the building department in your city will tell you to just leave the stuff alone, or get it incapsulated.

    There are many more dangerous things around that haven't been proclaimed yet.

    The odds are probably better you will win the lottery.

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