
I've been feeling depressed lately...?

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Ok so ive been feeling depressed for the majority of the past 7 months. I've lost a few ppl in my life that i loved and made me happy but all of them left my life in bad ways that i dont want to talk about. Now ive just felt depressed and lonely a lot lately and at times suicidal. I dont know what to do about this because ive talked to numerous ppl who were there to help me and even a person who could relate to things i was going through but nothing helped that much. Any advice? thank you




  1. Here's proven natural remedies even in the hardest cases.

    Ten ways to successfully get rid of depression.

    1}Important defense mechanism has spinach, , beetroot lettuce with much lemon juice and olive oil.POWER BENEFIT: In depression your blood has tendency to be acidic. You need to try neutralize this situation What I said above has high nutritional value and alkalizing quality.

    2} Blueberries. Fresh or frozen, not to mention it tastes absolutely delicious, two servings daily for two weeks. POWER BENEFIT: struggle against feeling of guilt and loss of interest in ordinary activities.

    3} Carbohydrates, and vitamin B-complex supplement. Depression is a cruel killer that shape cyclic human hormonal reality into delicious desert. The more tryptophan enters your brain, the more serotonin will be produced to kill that killer. Get rich tryptophan eating banana, apple and kiwi. POWER BENEFIT : combat thoughts of suicide and irritability.

    4} Get Omega 3. This makes sense physiologically since omega 3 works on neurotransmitter pathways in the brain. Also, omega 3 keeps the blood wessels of the brain free from blockages It also helps in boosting up the nerve cells to function at a higher level. Because omega 3 is found in Oceanus fish and eggs and if you want only fruits and vegetables then take omega 3 supplement.

    5} Daily walking in the sun. It produces a brain chemical called dopamine which help maintain mental equilibrium But before you leave your home eat milk, yogurt or salmon,tomatoes,cucumber and /or broccoli.

    6} Out, find a place where you can express your emotions aloud . For example cry if you feel inside like crying. This is an act of courage and in the same time, shows your progress. Immediately after this, it can't be less than a big happy moments.

    7}Selenium,vitamin B 12, for the" feel-good " brain receptors. The take away from it is that you need eat brown rice,nuts,seeds and liver.

    8} Drink a lots of mineral water with pH above from 7.4

    9} Breakfast cereals .Don't forget it.

    10} Breathing exercises on daily basis,the most powerful line to cure depression because a high need of brain for oxygen.

    I hope I helped you a bit.

  2. Being on Yahoo! Answers will do that.

  3. Well I wish I could help you. When I had just turned 10, about a month and a half later I lost my Uncle Pablo, he got murdered and I was right there, very very painful to deal with, and he was also my best friend. I was depressed for ever, I had to go to the hospital just to make sure I kept my sanity. But aslo, I was only 10. Depression is a hard thing to deal with, losing someone may even make it harder, because they both connect in a way. One thing that kept me going was that I wrote poetry... or even wrote out my thoughts to paper, because sometimes its one thing you can count on to listen to you. Getting out your feeligns may make that rock on your heart lift up a little. If that doesn't work, see a doctor, however depression pills aren't always the right way to go.

    Who ever you lost, whether it be family or friends, they are in a better place, and want you to live the life you deserve to live. Things may be hard, and letting go may be harder, but they are ALL watching over you. You've lost people, but then again hwo many people are there on earth who would truly miss you as well, if you did something to hurt yourself? Please, please do not do anything suicidle, things will get better, and you have to keep waking up each morning believing that, things WILL get better, TRUST ME!! You never know, tomorrow might be that day where your life gets all turned around, you just have to keep lookin  forward to that day to come. Do not kill yourself, you will hurt many many people... and its a bad idea. please, just try a way to release your feelings, if u don't want to talk to someone write it down, just smile and look forward to that better day, it should be coming soon... sooner than you think!


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