
I've been feeling sleepy all the time is something wrong?

by  |  earlier

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well i've been feeling sleepy all day. its been going on for about 3 or 4 days now. i'm a 13 year old male about to be 14 in 2 weeks, if that matters. i sleep at around 10pm to 6pm, i try to get 8 hours of sleep. but through out my day i feel tired. is anything wrong? and what can i do?




  1. You are most likley to be bored or you just generally need more than eight hours sleep maybe 10 hours.  

    Or you could have diabetes you can get free tests for this as it is a sign you have it. Although i doubt that unless you have a family history and need to loo at lot more.

  2. You could have sleep apnea,this is where you stop breathing 100's times  a night,then your brain wakes so you may not getting enough sleep even though you are in bed for 8 hours a night.Check out the link

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