
I've been getting many many emails stating that I've randomly won something- money, gifts, trips etc. Real?

by Guest65666  |  earlier

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Are their any sweepstakes that are random? In the past I've gotten nowhere in my responses. Does anyone know? If there are no sweeps then it's a waste of my time. Getting peoples hopes up is downright cruel.




  1. There all fake...I get them all the time too...I just delete a matter of fact I just deleted them from my spam folder

  2. no

  3. well unless it's from some1 u know or from something u signed up for, i'd probably just delete it

    it probably not not true

  4. They are fake scams. NEVER give any information to people who offer "free" things. 99% they are trying to exploit those who trust.

  5. i know from experiece that they are scams babe. just delete them and find a way to block them

  6. They are definately not going to offer something for you having done absolutely nothing! Bets to mark them as spam and delete them. By clicking the links you will probably be asked to provide personal information for one reason or another - only to find you either have to fill in a 2million page survey and the minute they have your email address, they bombard you with more emails and pass your details onto everyone they know - for which they may get paid.

    defo dont pass on personal information especially if they ask for bank details etc to put prize funds into - it will be a scam!

  7. No i got a few of em that said i won an Xbox elite, ive been waitin 2 years still didnt get it

  8. AH NOT!!


    Scammers come from every neck of the woods with a sad sack story, DON'T BELIEVE THE HYPE!!!

  9. if you,re not in it you don,t win it. bin it.

  10. Sigh...

    People don't win "random" sweepstakes.

  11. spam

  12. Everyone gets it...Its called SCAM..You can get a check in the mail from some odd company for 4,000...If its too good to be true it prolly is..

  13. It is not possible to win something that you have to entered to win.

  14. I have a nice bridge to sell you. It's a nice bridge.

    It's blue and it's an old toll bridge.

    you can let 'em in for nothing and charge a buck to get out.

  15. fake all fake... i got one saying that i won the lottery when i didn't even enter!!

  16. thats why you dont have to fall for them

    ignore them, spam them, then delete them

  17. Don't be silly, it's all a scam!

    Probably riddled with viruses!

  18. No!  If you ever really won something, they wouldn't be contacting you be e-mail in the first place!

  19. go to it is very interesting If it seems to be good to be true it IS to good to be true

  20. of course, no!

    These are spams, don't believe in it or you'll get caught into a lot of trouble :P

  21. it's a scam! Be careful!

    they hope to get into your informations like bank account details, paypal , online banking, credit card etc.

    Never reply these emails and get a good anti spam and anti phishing filter for your mail box.

  22. thats all spam and they just want to get your information

  23. don't worry

    i get these emails too.

    it's just a bunch of spam c**p

  24. Yeah, it's spam.  You usually get stuff like that if you register a login to play on say a poker site.  You can always know something is fake if you have to a) download something or b) send money.

  25. hiya..if da sent person has a proper well known email..den its easy...u can accept but the rest its all junk..u hardly ever win anything..they jus take ur details..kk..xx

  26. It's all spam. Mark as spam and delete it.

  27. They are just "phishing" (fishing) for your information. When you respond, it verifies that yours is an active mail address, and they'll sell it to other spammers!  Also, if they ask for your mailing address, phone number, etc. they will sell that information also!! Quite a racket!  Sorry to burst your bubble!!


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