
I've been getting these sharp pains in my lower stomach?

by Guest67115  |  earlier

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what could it be?

it's really starting to scare me.. and it's not cramps because i don't get my period for another two weeks. and my stomachs been swelling and getting really hard.

like i'm running for an hour every day so could it be caused from that?

i know my stomach getting hard is from running but i don't know about the swelling part.

and then i get short of breath so easily so could that have anything to do with it..

btw.. i'm 5 foot 7 and weigh about 127 lbs.




  1. It could be bowel irregularities. Pay attention to your bowel habits and if that is the problem it is easily fixable.

  2. same thing happened to me. do you eat enough? try eating fruit + veg. and drink alot of water. if that dosent help i think you should see your gp.

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