
I've been having a really long period and im kinda worried?

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well i've been on my period since the end of July and its the 23 or august's a little wierd

my periods usually last kinda long but this is the longest

is there a problem or is it because of hormones???




  1. I havent experienced anything like it myself but one of my friends is on her period every single day.  She has been like that for about two years now, and from day one her periods had always lasted a lot longer than everyone elses.

    But she went to the doctors a few times about it and she wasnt ill or anything.  If it carries on for much longer, just go the docs and tell them and ask them whats up with that.

    I dont think ive helped you one bit with my answer...but yeah. dont worry loads about it.

  2. wow girl thats pretty long, but its normal, it happens to me if i for get to take my birthcontrol pill on time, it will mess my period up complitly, makeing me have my period early and kind of again, ill spot untill its realy time for my next period,, well hope this helps =)

  3. yeah you really need to go to the doctor i have really long periods too but thats way too long. I dont even know what it could be but it worries me, please go see a doctor.

  4. Need to call and make an appointment. Could be nothing but nothing out of the ordinary needs to be overlook especially with your reproductive system.

  5. It could be hormones or you have a problem.

    You will need to go see the "girl doctor"

    And quick.

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