
I've been having difficulty turning... I was wondering if anyone had any tips on pirouettes.?

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I've been having difficulty turning... I was wondering if anyone had any tips on pirouettes.?




  1. always spot either yourself in the mirror or somethin/someone in the room!

    develop core strength so you'll have more stability

    arms are actually really important.  keep them strong and rounded.

    draw your foot all the way up to your knee.

    don't drop into your pinkie toe as you turn.

    straighten your standing leg.

  2. squeeze yourself really tight

  3. make sure that you are staying up on your toes and using your core muscles. also SPOT!!! spotting will help a lot. keep your arms in correct pirouette position and try your best to keep your balance. using core muscles should help that too. and of course, practice. the more yuo practice doing pirouettes correctly, the better you will get. good luck!

  4. make sure that your leg that ur turning on is tight

    suck in ur belly and make it tight

    have an invisible string pull you up

    and turnnn!

  5. A correction I've been given that definitely helps is to make sure the closing arm does not lag or isn't slow in closing. Also, along the same lines, make sure your passe foot goes straight to your knee. Spotting is very important as well, along with proper alignment. Shoulders over hips over knees over feet. Once you have all of this in mind...relax and just go for it! lol

    Good luck and have fun dancing!

  6. I have trouble turning, too. There are many things that you could be doing wrong. Well, not wrong, but things that could be improved. First of all, make sure you're standing straight. Not leaning forward or back. I have a tendancy to lean backwards for some reason. Second, make sure your stomach is pulled in and you're pulled up. Third, keep your standing leg straight, and don't bend your kneww. And lastly, keep your arms still. Hope I helped.

  7. For the students that I have, I tell them to imagine that you are connected to the ceiling.  A line running from the top of your head to the ceiliing is pulling you upward.  Make sure to stand tall.  If you head is up, your shoulders will be in line with your hips.  Try taking in a breath when you go into the turn.  It will help bring your chest up.  The ideal is to have a high chest and shoulders that are in line with your hips.  If one side of your shoulders drop lower than the other side, you will lose balance and fall out of the turn.  Practice going up into the turn from the prep, without turning, and work your way from 1/4, to half, to 3/4, to a full, ect.

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