
I've been having nightmares about aliens lately.....?

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I've had alien nightmares 3 nights in a role. But they wern't the same dream. Like, the aliens looked different and it was different events each time. What could be causing this?




  1. Boo they are coming for you. LOL

  2. it depends on what happened in the dream but it sounds like you are anxious about something at the moment

  3. 3 nights ago I had a dream that aliens came and pretty much took over people, changed who they were, made them act all weird. Also the weird part was that I was 3 people. Seeing their point of view about trying to get away from all of this. The even weirder part? Was that all of them found a book, the exact same one, different time periods (Around our time, 2100, 2700, and other one I don't know what time period). The book was created by me? First it started out with a young girl and her friend, second person was this 30 year old small, blond lady and the other girl was a 20 year old who was like a cop or something and the 4th person was me. It ended with me writing a book before I got caught by the weird people who were taken over by aliens. It was about how to try to survive with what was happening.. Then it ended! I've been getting weird dreams!!! Before I had a dream that I got shot in the ear.. Every day is a new weird dream, but I like it. Kind of like a movie.


    To dream that you are an alien, symbolizes the undiscovered part of yourself. Your manifestation as an alien may be your way of 'escaping' from reality. Dreams of this nature also symbolizes your outlandish ideas and your wild imagination.

    To dream that you are being abducted by aliens, indicates your fears of your changing surroundings or your fear of losing your home and family. You feel that your space and/or privacy is being invaded.

    To see aliens in your dream , signifies that you are having difficulties adapting and adjusting to your new surroundings. You are feeling "alienated" and invaded. You are also having difficulties in how to handle or deal with a certain situation or person. On a psychological level, seeing aliens may represent an encounter with an unfamiliar or neglected aspect of your own self.

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